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Please tell me what you keep at hand on a daily basis.


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What is it that you keep in your top drawer or in your desk apprentice or on top of your desk? I'm always jumping up to get something, but I also feel like I have too much stuff to deal with. I'm trying to set things up so I have what I need right at hand, but not too much. TIA And what about your kids' daily supplies?

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I have two of those little 3 drawer organizers. One that the drawers are about notebook paper sized, and one that is about half that size.


In the little one we keep things the boys might need/we need all the time. It gets put right in the middle of the table, where everyone can reach it.



-high lighters

-dry erase markers/eraser

-pencil sharpeners


-small ruler

-paper clips

-post-it notes and flags



The larger one is up on a shelf -out of reach of the two year old. It contains more crafty things, things we don't need for every subject, but use most every week. Many of these things are also in our real arts-n-crafts material, but having a set right there that the kids don't play with so they are there when we need them during school is so helpful.


-colored pencils

-drawing pencils (otherwise they are too hard to find in our drawer of pencils)


-spanish flashcards



-hole punches






-chapstick (very convienent during cold dry winters)

-hair ties (because I find them all over the floor, and we often need one during school anyway)


I agree we also need paper. Scratch paper, printer paper, and lined notebook paper are all one the shelf with the bigger drawers and my teachers manuals.


Also a dictionary, thesaurus, and writers handbook.

Edited by Mallory
added paper so everything was on one list!
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this is very helpful. My kids are willing to hop too, in fact at any opportunity. This is why I want to figure out what needs to be at my right hand. I wonder if mallory's central supplies would be better for me, or if I want the kids to have pencil boxes so they can be a little more mobile. Just thinking out loud. Thanks for your responses.

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My kids are willing to hop too, in fact at any opportunity.


Yeah, mine too. They don't mind at all going to get the markers from the supply cabinet. It's the getting them back to the school table that doesn't always work :glare:


Having a little of everything we might need right in our school area helps keep us on task, but also means we don't have to skip anything that needs a couple crayons (even just to be more fun) or gets us all distracted trying to get them to the table.


I wonder if mallory's central supplies would be better for me, or if I want the kids to have pencil boxes so they can be a little more mobile.


With little ones it is just easier for me to have one box to move out of the way, then have to worry about if she can get into everyone's supplies. The small set of drawers we have really isn't too hard to move if we need to. I have also been thinking I would get the boys those pencil bags that go in a 3 ring binder. They could keep it in their history/geo binder and have some supplies of thier own.

Edited by Mallory
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I have pencils, sharpener, erasers, and paperclips.


I live and die by my paperclips. I neeeeed them to keep our place in the answer key or in whatever book we are using. I will lose my mind if I have to flip through a book to find our place. I try so hard not to lose them, but I am followed by a paperclip eating black hole. The black hole eats at least one clip per day.

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On our table we have an Ott-lite, electric pencil sharpener and 3 holders. Holder #1 has separate compartments for pencils, pens, highlighters, dry erase markers, red marking pens/pencils and scissors. Holder #2 has erasable colored pencils and stuff DD6 uses. Holder #3 has markers. Nearby (within arm's reach) is the Desk Apprentice with the usual stuff, but I make sure it's stocked well with post-its that we use for book markers. I also keep a few Proclick zippie things. A box of Kleenex is also nearby. A few steps away is our printer with a drawer with shelves full of paper for Satori. Under the printer is all kinds of paper for any situation.

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