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Talk to me about Block schedules...


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I am intrigued. I have looked at other thread but what I need to know is this.


Is is feasible to rotate on a weekly basis? For instance I would want to rotate history, science, geography, art and maybe one other subject I haven't decided on.


So would it work weekly? I have seen that some do it monthly, but I don't know that I like that idea for us.



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I think that they can be done in anyway that would work for your family. I have seen some posts on here of people alternating days, and alternating weeks. I have opted to focus on a block for 2-8 weeks depending on the topic being covered. It is history, science, literature, and a few random topics we are doing this with.


So up coming for us is 3 weeks on history(finishing up last year's topic), then 2 week science (finishing up last year), then 3 weeks greek myths, then 6 weeks history, followed by 4 weeks science and on we go.


While doing those blocks, I am still having the kids do history reading everyday(from our sonlight core and Canadian history) but all projects and reports etc will be done during the focused block on that topic. We will still be doing nature studies every week even when not doing a focused science block.

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We did my own version of block scheduling last year for the first time (my oldest is 13 and we've been hsing since he was 4). It worked out really well for all of us. The kids were able to focus better rather than jumping from subject to subject, and it make it easier and quicker for me to do grading.



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I always did block scheduling with an ABAB pattern, though electives rotate through on a quarterly or semester basis. I'm sure that's as clear as mud. What I mean is that I divide the basic subjects (math, language, science, history) into an ABAB schedule and then do electives separately, either every day for a quarter or alternating days for a semester. :)

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