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Interesting Time article on vaccinations

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Very interesting. I had my older dc vax'd on schedule, cherry-picked for my 2 little girls and have refused thus far for my baby. I had thought that I would cherry-pick for her once she turns 2, but I'm still unsure. This summer I will be doing more research on this subject to help me make this decision.

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The story about the mom whose three year old got sick irritated me.


If you decide not to vax, or to cherry pick, you MUST become informed. (Well, you should do that if you fully vax, too!). You MUST inform yourself about the diseases, about your child's chance of contracting the disease, and the risks. You MUST educate yourself about immunity, and health.


For that woman to have decided to stop immunizations, and then become angry at those who push not immunizing because her child got ill, says to me that the mom did not do her homework, and did not take responsibility for her decision. Yes, there was always a chance her child could get Hib. Hopefully she did NOT just take her chiropractor's word for it, but carefully researched the risks and benefits HERSELF.

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