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What is Lial?

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I saw this abbreviation, Lial, in regards to a math program when reading post this evening and wondered about it. I am gathering more info for my 'math challenged' daughter who needs a mom's hands off :glare: , explanatory with examples and much practicing, approach to Math. She and I are like oil and water when it comes to doing math work together. She likes the DIVE Cd's-finds the fellow soothing she said, lol. And is working better through Saxon 8/7 than she did through Singapore Math. She needs lots of application time in math to help solidify things-I'm thinking spiral may not be for her. She's a bit sloppy in her work though because she doesn't really like it..but making her redo them until correct has solved some of that. She is actually a bright kid...that's what makes it difficult for me.



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Where would one start though say for an 8/9th grader finishing up saxon 8/7?


Lial's has two "Pre-algebra" programs, with one (Basic College Math or BCM) being more heavily weighted to a thorough review of basic math (decimals, fractions, percents, etc.), holding off things like variables and negative numbers till the end of the book, and the other (Prealgebra) starting out with negative numbers and variables and integrating those through the book with a review of decimals, fractions, percents, etc.


I know Saxon has 8/7 and Algebra 1/2 and they say you only have to do one, and you can move right from 8/7 to Algebra 1 if the child does well, or if they need more review to use Algebra 1/2. I'd say if you think she needed the Alg 1/2, move her to the Lial's Prealgebra, or if you think she did well enough, move her to Lial's Introductory Algebra (not Beginning Algebra, that's also an Alg 1 text by Lial's but has a different format).


A lot of kids can move right from BCM into Algebra 1, just like they can from 8/7 into Algebra 1, but I might think that BCM might have too much review after 8/7? My dd13 sounds a lot like yours - we are also oil and water with math - it's now her dad's job to go over math with her, but she goes through it herself and he just goes over any mistakes with her. She started last year in BCM after Singapore 6, and she didn't like that it was pretty much all review (okay, she was miserable and later said she though I must think she was dumb) - I moved her into Prealgebra and just the addition of a small bit of new info sweetened the pot and she had a great year and her math confidence soared. She'll start with Introductory Algebra in the fall.


Also, I didn't use them, but if your dd likes teaching videos, Lial's does have DVTs to use along with the books.

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Right now on average she's missing between 7-15 problems in each lesson in 8/7 (sometimes more). I include the mental math, lesson practice and math practice when grading, so around 45-50 problems in each lesson.


She's on lesson 47 right now, so about 1/3 of the way finished. She also does math every weekday. She knows that it helps her stay on top of the learning and doesn't seem to mind it. I haven't even purchased her math for this fall because I don't know what she'll need.


I actually thought that I'd need to buy Algebra 1/2 for her, but I'm not making that decision until I see how she's doing towards the end of 8/7.


If she doesn't do as well in 8/7 should I move her into BCM or prealgebra text? She's not doing terribly, because a good portion of what she misses are redundant simple things like moving decimals, not rewriting division problems right when she goes to work them (like 8 divided by 4, she'll write the problem showing that she's dividing 4 by 8...stuff like that). She is a bit lazy too, although it always bites her in the bum later because she has to go back and do it the right way...she might learn eventually :glare:. Example: she does things like trying to measure an angle of a triangle in the book instead of working it out on paper (because obviously the triangle is not drawn properly to scale). Not that it's difficult to do the math...

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