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Latin for Children = Too much?

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So, this week we started Latin for Children A and I feel like the weekly lessons are a lot to squeeze into one week.. We are also doing German (my mother's side is German and I am fluent) and maybe we should just concentrate on German for a few more years. I was thinking we could start Latin in 6th grade instead. My DD is in 4th now.


What do you all think?

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I can't think of a reason I'd study multiple languages, personally.


I also don't buy into the whole Latin thing. Latin was originally the universal language of scholars, but that is no longer the case. Yes, Latin teaches a lot about etymology, but frankly so does studying other languages, and other languages may be more practical.


We are studying Hebrew as part of religious studies and I think one useless language is enough. :)

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Or you could take LfC slower, and spread each weekly lesson out over two weeks. It could be done twice a week, or do half of the lesson each day.


OTOH, I had started each of my elder dc on Latin and French before 5th grade, and in retrospect, there really was no need to do so. With my younger two, I'm only doing Latin with them, and will start a modern language some time later...7th grade, maybe, or maybe not until high school.

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I tried LFC with my 8 year old, but it was way too much for him. After watching the first lesson he looked like a deer in the headlights, and had no idea what the guy was talking about.:lol: For now we are just focusing on some Spanish, and SSL. I really like the looks of LFC, but we may have to wait a year or two.

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My girls started LfC last year (3rd & 5th) and we spread each chapter over 2 weeks. It made it much more manageable, but the younger still needs more hand holding. I am glad she's doing it though. It's much more fun for three of us to do it together. They also do not like watching Dr. Perrin teach so I watch it and then reteach it to them. Their eyes glazed over whenever he came on.


We just added in Spanish this year, but Latin really gets way more emphasis.

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We just added in Spanish this year, but Latin really gets way more emphasis.



We also do two languages (Latin and Greek)-and we do not do them both with the same intensity. Latin gets five days a week, Greek only gets two days. We are still making progress in both. Be the turtle, not the hare--slow and steady wins the race (who knew there was a race?...;))

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