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TOG users: Question about the Loom

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It seems to me that the Loom is pretty much the same info no matter what year you are using (except for info specific to books used). Do you keep a copy handy, or just look it over and put it away for the year?


I'm trying to arrange books for the upcoming year and can't decide if it really needs a place on my handy shelf. TIA



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Except for the printable student pages.


So, you print & keep these, but put the rest away, right? I think that's what I'm going to do too. I've read the other info so many times, I don't think I'll need to see it regularly.

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I always keep the Loom disk inside the cover of my TM along with the maps and evaluations CDs, and it has come in handy numerous times. I've mainly used it for a quick reference to previous SAP's or ones that I have yet to print out (I don't print out the whole year's worth in advance...just each unit.) I've also referred to the Writing Helps section, Corrections and Book Updates section at times.




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I always keep the Loom disk inside the cover of my TM along with the maps and evaluations CDs, and it has come in handy numerous times. I've mainly used it for a quick reference to previous SAP's or ones that I have yet to print out (I don't print out the whole year's worth in advance...just each unit.) I've also referred to the Writing Helps section, Corrections and Book Updates section at times.





Thanks, Lucinda. I wasn't thinking about the disk (which I will keep handy). I was referring to a printed copy. I should have been more clear. I printed Year 1 to have handy when we started with TOG, but I don't feel the need to print Year 2 Loom and would like to put away the Year 1 printed copy to make space on my shelf. The disc I will probably keep in my drawer at the computer desk.

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Thanks, Lucinda. I wasn't thinking about the disk (which I will keep handy). I was referring to a printed copy. I should have been more clear. I printed Year 1 to have handy when we started with TOG, but I don't feel the need to print Year 2 Loom and would like to put away the Year 1 printed copy to make space on my shelf. The disc I will probably keep in my drawer at the computer desk.


Oh, well that's different then. I wouldn't have even thought of printing out the Loom. :D Just keep the disk handy and that's really all you need.




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I thought you meant the CD :) I don't print the Loom just pull up some SAPs, etc. as I need to print them.


When I first got Year 1 I wanted to be able to curl up on the couch in the evenings to read over the Loom. We don't have a laptop, so I had to print it. I also like to be able to underline and make notes, so I like a printed copy.


I'm comfortable with TOG now, so I don't think I'll need to print anything more than the SAPs. Seems like it's not common to print it anyway, but it was helpful to me in the beginning.

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