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Writing blogs--ipad compatible?

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Does anyone know if I can create and add to a blog using my ipad?


My poor desktop in the basement hardly gets used anymore because I love my ipad so much! Plus I think I would be more likely to keep up with posting if I could do it from anywhere...a decent chunk of my downtime is when we're traveling in the RV.


From what I've read in other threads it sounds like blogspot blogger is one of the easiest to get started with...opinions?

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My blog is on blogspot and though I adore my ipad for most things I generally post from my desktop. It's a pain to try to manipulate photos and type long posts on the ipad- yet it can be done.


Perhaps if I ever get a bluetooth keyboard I'll post more often from the ipad, but somehow I doubt it.

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Thank you everyone!


I had not thought about pictures...I keep all my photos on my desktop Mac, so I would need to use that anytime I want to add them. i think my iphoto library is way too big for the ipad's memory. Guess I better think about it some more. i want to start one, but I also want to be ready to commit the time to it (which likely means in the basement on my desktop).

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