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Update on ds re: crash

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*pictures added in post 3 of my sweet boy*



Oh what a busy couple days. Last Thursday I took Hunter back for his appt with the Orthopedic surgeon and he got new xrays. The xrays show his fibula to be in perfect alignment but his tibia is not. The dr assures me as long as it is straight it will be okay, but to see the xrays and see the bones staggered a bit was freaky. The bottom adge of the bottom half is lined up the upper edge of the top half. THe Dr's thoughts on it are that once healed the bone will be fully functional, in fact that section will be stronger than the rest BUT he will be left with a minor deformity. He feels this is better than the risks associated with doing a surgery to place a rod down the center of his tibia. As it is, once the bone finished regrowing around the break site he will have a lump (essentially like a small goose egg) in the center of his shin. THe Dr hopes after a few years it will go down in size, but he will have this lump/bump forever since there is very little fat/muscle on the front of the shin to mask it. I am not a happy mama about that, BUT the risk of the surgery was too high to do it just for cosmetic reasons.


The insurance company has also been in contact. The adjusters for the camp insur sent me the forms to fill out and send back. They will cover the cost of the ambulance, mileage, direct pay once he starts physio etc. Any costs associated with my lost wages, pain & suffering, psychological care etc have to be received directly from the other guy's insurance. I do not have their contact information yet.


I have been in contact with a lawyer and will be retaining him. It's times like this family is good. My cousin is his assistant, she had been telling him about what happened and he wants to take us on on a contingency basis. In other words if we don't win, he doesn't get paid. So I can hire him and not risk being out tons of $$. We will be sueing the other guy's insurance for the deformity, pain and suffering, psychological help, and my lost wages. I want to make sure than anything that comes up as a result of this injury is provided for in Ds's future so I think having a lawyer will be best for that.


As far as ds, he is not a happy camper right now. We went to the park with my sister and family for a picnic yesterday. He was not pleased with being stuck while the rest could run and play. It was a wheelchair accessible park so I pushed him up the equipment etc, and took him out of his wheelchair to sit in one of the tunnels he wanted to play in but it is not the same. Normally he would be climbing up the trees, and running around, and swining on monkey bars and instead he is left on the sidelines unable to just play like the other kids. He was really upset about it when we got home. I know that in the grand scheme of things missing out for a few weeks isn't the end of the world but when you are 7 years old, missing out on a chance to play grounders and have a water fight really feels like it.


We go back next week (Aug 4) for another set of xrays and to see if we can switch him to a below the knee cast. That will likely help with some of his mobility. And maybe then I can get him to try the crutches. So far he is so against them that I can't even have them in the house, because his anxiety about using them is rised too high then.

Edited by swellmomma
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A couple pictures of my brave boy. The first one was taken the night before his day surgery to straighten the bowing bones. THe second was taken the other day at the park when I took him out of his wheelchair and put him in the tunnel/tube. He is very proud of his new mohawk, and though you can't see it in the picture that day it was red (we have coloured hair spray for days when he wants colour).

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