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Yahoo Weather

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I've noticed something disturbing. If you hover over the weather & get the quick view, it will tell you one thing. If you CLICK, the temps get HOTTER. Worse, though, if you click on the "hourly report" you find a dastardly secret: the lows are a lie.


So it says tomorrow is only supposed to be 101, but a closer look reveals 105. Tonight it says it's going to get down to 79, but that must be at 26:00, because it's only getting down to 82 for an hour or so at 4AM before it starts to cook again.

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OH NO!!!! The hourly reports CHANGE. I'd planned to work on the garage from 3-9AM when the temp would be 82-85.


Now it says it will be 90 till midnight & it won't get down to 85 until 5AM. By 8, it's all over. 90 again by 9.


And now it won't get down to 82. 83 is our LOW, unless you just hover & believe the 79 degree LIE because you're asleep. :glare:

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Well, before you decide to switch, Weather.com (the Weather Channel) is different on my phone (their mobile site) than my computer (their full site). And they lie. It should not say there is 0% chance of rain under current conditions when it's pouring on my laundry.


If it makes you feel better, over on this coast my dash thermometer said in was 107 at 4:30, my husband had 111 on his in Annapolis. (Which is about the normal temp spread between here and there)


It was 84 when I got up at 5:30 this morning. :ack2: <- I actually made that exact face.

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