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MUS Beta and Gamma


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My daughter is almost 10. This past year was our first year to HS. I started her completely over with MUS Alpha and it has been wonderful for her. She gets it now and the tears at math time have stopped. So, in an attempt to help her "catch up" I was wondering if it would be possible to do Beta and Gamma during the same year. What do you think?

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My daughter is almost 10. This past year was our first year to HS. I started her completely over with MUS Alpha and it has been wonderful for her. She gets it now and the tears at math time have stopped. So, in an attempt to help her "catch up" I was wondering if it would be possible to do Beta and Gamma during the same year. What do you think?

If she is 10, I would think it is completely possible. She will probably speed through Beta and then you can start Gamma and take all the time you need. I am getting ready to start my almost 9 year old over with Beta in the Fall. We are on a long break right now. She just did Alpha over again prior to our break and it made a WORLD of difference. I love MUS! It has made such a huge difference for my non-mathy DD.

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If she TRULY gets alpha, and she has her addition facts down COLD. Then, she's only one light bulb moment away from figuring out that subtraction is the "opposite" (for lack of better word) than addition ... that it's the same numbers only manipulated in another way. (9-4=5 4+5=9) At that point, you could speed through beta and then on into gamma. I personally would just do them one at a time. You really want her to "master" each topic. That's just what I would do.


I also want to share a gem of a website that I was introduced to this week https://www.xtramath.org It's fabulous and free. I'm using it now instead of flashcards and drill sheets.

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