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Medical Q: super high blood pressure

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an out of town family member is saying that they have a relative w/ very high blood pressure [200+/ 180] but that they have to keep his blood pressure from dropping otherwise he could die.


I can't find ANY medical sites corroborating this type of situation, especially for someone who is still out and about working and being active. Not overweight either. Supposedly they found out about this back in April or so, and gave him 10 years to live.


can you tell I'm skeptical here?


does anyone have any insight/links on this? every search I've looked into shows bad things at BP that high, especially as an all-day/ every-day type of condition over several months/ years....





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I know someone who found out he had very high BP and the nurse wanted him to go to the ER for rapid lowering of BP. He declined but was closely monitored to ensure it did start to lower and then check that it stayed down. I don't know what would be so great about keeping it high. Perhaps a sudden change would be shocking (is this even true?) but what's the alternative? Keep it high forever? I am not a medical professional.

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My mom had similar blood pressure readings, in fact, she would get bloody noses, thankfully, rather than having a stroke. Turns out she had hypoparathyroidism, which is supposedly pretty rare, but my dad also has it and so does my sis. Guess who is watching her calcium levels and parathyroid hormone levels? There is a doctor in Florida who has revolutionized the surgery. Dr. Norman. He has done both my mom and sister. Turns a 6+ hour surgery into a 20 min surgery.

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My mom had similar blood pressure readings, in fact, she would get bloody noses, thankfully, rather than having a stroke. Turns out she had hypoparathyroidism, which is supposedly pretty rare, but my dad also has it and so does my sis. Guess who is watching her calcium levels and parathyroid hormone levels? There is a doctor in Florida who has revolutionized the surgery. Dr. Norman. He has done both my mom and sister. Turns a 6+ hour surgery into a 20 min surgery.


haven't heard anything about calcium, but from what is being related, they are saying his condition isn't curable [nothing about any possible surgery, just a need to *keep* his BP abnormally high.....rest/ lowering the heart rate is said to be BAD. ?!?]. How long can one go w/ super high blood pressure like this? no bloody noses or strokes. and for the record, i haven't been around him to actually take his blood pressure myself..... ;)

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haven't heard anything about calcium, but from what is being related, they are saying his condition isn't curable [nothing about any possible surgery, just a need to *keep* his BP abnormally high.....rest/ lowering the heart rate is said to be BAD. ?!?]. How long can one go w/ super high blood pressure like this? no bloody noses or strokes. and for the record, i haven't been around him to actually take his blood pressure myself..... ;)

First, I'd want to know what his diagnosis is. Then I'd want to know if he's had a second opinion.

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i'm an r.n. and this doesn't make sense. besides, if anyone's bp drops to low , they could die. somehow they have the information confused.

it's good to go to the doc office with pen and paper to write down what they say. they are giving alot of info and the patient may be a bit nervous. so once they leave the office it gets all get mixed in their brain. also, its good to go with someone else so they can hear info too. some docs may even let you tape them, although it probably won't be alot of them.

that bp is dangerously high--stroke territory !!! hope they go back to doc asap.


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My first thought is that they have the information backwards.


But, dh's father had unbelievably low blood pressure. Many times his diastolic would not register higher than 42 without making him run first. He passed out very, very easily and was discharged from the military because of it. He'd also have it just bottom out and nearly arrest. So, he was given meds to keep it high and the doctor kept it in borderline high zone so when it would bottom out, I do not for the life of me remember why it would do this, it would not drop so low he'd pass out while driving, teaching his classes, running a power tool, etc. They never kept it high enough that he was ever in danger of a stroke...just at the high end of normal.


So, I guess there might some rare medical reason for artificially keeping a blood pressure high. Super high is hard to imagine. Did this person relate numbers to you? Could it be relative to this patient's low blood pressure and not to normal blood pressure? Dh's dad's regular blood pressure while moving about was rarely higher than 69/44. So, super high for him was the medicated 135 - 140/75 that they tried to keep it at. He'd routinely drop 20 systolic just getting out of a chair and 10 diastolic so you can guess what would happen when it tanked to 59/34! But again, 135/75 very high for him, but not for regular people.





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