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Atelier Art users ?

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If you use Atelier art can you tell me how long the video lessons are and how long the projects are taking on average? I'm considering using this in a co-op but I only have an hour. Can one lesson be done in an hour or is there a natural progression that would allow me to break up the lessons?


I should have stated what levels I'm looking at. I'll have 3 different classes. One K to 2nd, 3rd to 5th, & 6th to 8th. I'm thinking levels 2,4, & 6 would be the most middle ground for those age groups. I'm curious if the higher lessons would take longer.


Thanks for any help!

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We've done level 1, and it can most definitely be done in an hour. I think the lessons are actually about 30 minutes, and only the first half-two thirds is instruction. I usually stop it after the instruction is completed and listen to classical music while Ariel is working on the project. She likes to see the other student's completed projects at the end of the lessons, however.

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We've worked with level 1 & level 2. Yes, very appropriate for completion in an hour. The only lessons that are longer than that have natural breaking points, (so one part of the project can dry) so it would be easy to manage.


I think the program is designed for group settings, and typical elementary class times. ~30 minutes is pretty typical.

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