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Dave Ramsey Curricula and more sale

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I am NOT affiliated nor profiting in any way from this. I just want to let people know if they are planning on buying Dave Ramsey this year, the Homeschool Buyers Co-op is running a group discount till August 28th.


I haven't used this updated curriculum (but might get it with the sale - have to check our budget). I did use their previous (older edition) stuff with oldest when he was in 10th grade and it did WONDERS for his personal spending thoughts and habits.


I am NOT 100% in agreement with Dave Ramsey, but I appreciate how he was able to "get through" to my teen - hence - the recommendation. (And I'm generally not 100% in agreement with any curriculum. ;)) I know his course is recommended reasonably often and simply thought some might appreciate the sale.



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I'm curious, which curriculum of his did you use. I was considering offering a course of his at the church for all of the interested teens. Does it go into budgeting, using a checkbook, paying for insurance and all of that?




It was called Financial Peace for the Next Generation back then. It's renamed now and I haven't had the opportunity to see the updated version to compare.


The old version definitely went into earnings, budgeting, insurance, investments and more. I don't recall using a checkbook being part of it, but I didn't see all of it as I was working while he watched some of the videos.


I did have an issue that tests were nitpicky detailed at times (remembering exact percentages and things), but we made amends for that when grading occasionally. It was the overall concept I wanted, not the super specific details. Hopefully the newer version is updated in regards to that, but even if not, I'd still recommend it based upon the old version. My soon to be college sophomore now very willingly takes his lunch to work instead of buying and rarely spends money needlessly. He has a good handle on money, spending, and his future in a way that I feel was better than just mom and dad telling him. Many times in the teen years kids are far more willing to listen to a complete stranger over mom and dad. :glare: Sad, but true in many cases.


If you're thinking of doing this as a group, why not contact them to see if you can do some sort of preview to see if it's what you're looking for?

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I'm curious, which curriculum of his did you use. I was considering offering a course of his at the church for all of the interested teens. Does it go into budgeting, using a checkbook, paying for insurance and all of that?





We just used the Foundations in Personal Finance program last year with our 2 DSs. It was HUGELY helpful (and enjoyable!) for both our sons, with solid, practical, real-life information.


Yes = it covers budgeting, insurance and mortgages.

No = it does not cover using a checkbook.


It is 12 hours of DVD lectures with an accompanying workbook of very specific detailed information on his "7 Baby Steps" for how to make financially sound decisions, which includes getting out of debt and saving/investing. This is the high school edition, which also includes Q&A and tips specifically for teens. Below is the detailed table of contents in case that helps. Warmest regards, Lori D.




Chapter 1 - Saving

- The Seven Baby Steps

- Take the First Step

- Emergency Fund

- Purchases

- Wealth Building

- Compound Interest


Chapter 2 - Investment Options

- KISS Rule of Investing

- Diversification

- Risk Return Ratio and Liquidity

- Types of Investments

- Horrible Investments


Chapter 3 - Weatlh Building and College Savings

- Retirement and College Funding

- Qualified Plans

- Individual Retirement Arrangements

- Specific Types of Retirement Plans

- College Funding

- Three "Nevers" of College Savings




Chapter 4 - Dangers of Debt

- Debt is Everywhere

- History of Credit

- Debt Through Generations

- Debunking the Myths

- Steps Out of Debt

- Debt Snowball


Chapter 5 - Consumer Awareness

- Buyer Beware

- Four Major Ways (sellers try to hook you)

- Significant Purchases

- What to Do (to be a "savvy shopper")


Chapter 6 - Credit Bureaus and Collection Practices

- Credit Score

- Credit Bureaus

- Correcting Credit Report Inaccuracies

- Indentity Theft: What to Do

- Collection Practices

- Federal Fair Debt Collections Practices Act

- Pro Rata Plan

- Lawsuits




Chapter 7 - Budgeting 101

- Cash Flow Planning

- Reasons Why We Don't Do a Cash Flow Plan

- Reasons Why We Do a Cash Flow Plan

- Forms (to help create a cash flow plan)


Chapter 8 - Bargain Shopping

- Buying Only Big, Big Bargains

- Seven Basic Rules of Negociations

- Three Keys

- Places to Find Great Deals


Chapter 9 - Relating with Money

- Men, Women and Money (Over-Generalizing)

- Emergency Fund Savings

- Shopping

- Financial Problems

- Marriage and Money

- Who Does the Financial Decision-Making

- Singles and Money

- Prevention

- Kids and Money





Chapter 10 - Career Choices and Taxes

- Change Happens

- Discover Your Strengths and Weaknesses

- Identify Your Motivation and Passion

- Understanding Your Unique Personality

- Job Hunting

- Develop a Strategy

- Resumes

- Interviews

- Overtime and Extra Jobs


Chapter 11 - Ins and Outs of Insurance

- Understanding Insurance

- Basic Types of Coverage Needed

- Types of Insurance

- Two Types of Life Insurance

- Why Not Life Insurance as an Investment

- When Purchasing Life Insurance

- Insurance to Avoid


Chapter 12 - Real Estate and Mortgages

- Selling a Home

- Buying a Home

- What to Buy

- What Not to Buy

- Mortgages

- Horrible Mortgage Options

- Basic Ways to Finance a Home





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Thanks for that list, Lori! I am going to see if I can find room in our budget for it. Just reading the list reminded me of just how much oldest learned and there's not a whole lot I disagree with. What we disagree with provides discussions - just like with any curriculum. ;)


I almost wish I hadn't sold the old version, but at the time, I knew a newer version was coming out and I just didn't care for the tests with the old version.

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