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I need advice on how to keep a spelling and vocab notebook


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As per the wonderful advice I've been given on here lately, I'm going to start keeping a spelling notebook for dd9. I want to add these words to her weekly spelling work/test (SWO D). I would also like to keep a vocabulary notebook (we do not do a formal program) for the words we have to look up. examples: Today she misspelled almost every geometric shape in her math work .... needs to go into spelling notebook. We had to look up definition for denominator ... needs to go into vocab notebook. How do I physically organize this notebook? What kind of notebook should I use (3-ring binder I presume)? or maybe use note cards and a box like AAS?


Would someone who uses a notebook like this just point blank describe theirs to me? I'd like to get this up and running today.


Any and all words of wisdom wanted!



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I came across a neat idea we're going to institute for vocabulary. Each child has their own 'treasure box', or index card file box with blank index cards. They put all of their vocab words into the box, alphabetically. Besides reviewing them periodically, you can have them play games with them, such as pulling out 3 cards and making a silly sentence.

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You could organize it by roots. Have a binder with roots, one per page, alphabetically ordered. Write a short bit about the root at the top (meaning/origin).


Triangle would be placed under a page titled "tri" and a page titled "angle." She would write the definition of "triangle" in both spots. The repetition will cement the info.


You could organize by phonogram, but since you want to hit vocab also I'd choose to organize by root. (..and breakdown by phonogram if needed after organizing by root)


Disclaimer: I've never actually done this with my dc (mine are young). I just think it's a smart way to do it.

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Vocabulary words on index cards and go on a ring. Each subject gets a different color. We then review the vocabulary during our nightly game of "Are You Smarter then a ____ grader"

Spelling words go into a notebook or the back of their spelling workbook if we are using one that year(BJU spelling has a section in the back to make their own spelling lists).

Edited by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole
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