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Clothing Question 4 - armpit stains (sorry, hijack!)

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Seriously, though. I can't be the only person who ends up with stained armpits under my shirts. It really bugs me when an otherwise-good shirt gets stained armpits. I usually ignore that shirt for a year and finally have the good sense to throw it away.


Is it a must? Can it be avoided? Can it be reversed?

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Treatment: You can try soaking it in Biz (hey, I wonder if the Tightwad Gazette clorox 2 / cascade thing would work on that?) overnight. The yellowing is a reaction between the detergent/bleach and the antiperspirant residue. I'm not sure if there's anything that consistently works.


So, yes, preventable. Switch to deodorant or use dress shields (probably unsightly with a sleeveless blouse... but funny!).


eta: I wonder if Barkeeper's Friend would work. No, seriously. It's the oxalic acid that helps get metal scuff out of your sink, right? So I wonder if a sprinkling of that would help. (and now I'm mentally inventorying the closet for a garment in need of this experiment)

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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