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Day One of my new system!

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Today was the first day I tried my new system of chores with the kids. It really helped! :001_smile: Our house is so super messy and cluttery! (is "cluttery" a word?). All we got through was one room of de-cluttering! I was also taking the time with each kid to train them. Showing my son how to pick up folded clothes without unfolding them and put them in drawers, or how to re-fold those clothes if he picked them up wrong, was especially tedious!!! :D


However, we survived!


It is so much easier for me, and for the kids, to go into a super messy room and only find and pick up the items from our "kingdom". I am the Kitchen Queen this month. All I had to do is find all the dirty dishes, food wrappers, toys and movies in the room to clean. This kept it from being overwhelming. I asked my dd if it is easier for her to just find certain things in each room in the house, or be asked to clean all of one room. She also said it was easier for her to have one thing to focus on at a time.


We didn't even make it to the actual jobs. We spent (I spent) 3 hours just working on de-cluttering one room of each of their "kingdom items" and training them on where to put each thing. But - I feel SO ACCOMPLISHED! Having the check list and the focus helped me to see what I got DONE, rather than feeling so defeated by what I didn't get done.


If you are interested, here's the link to the thread where I described my new system.


I am post #53! :D


Anyway, just wanted to share my excitement for my new system! I have really needed something like this, and I am really hoping this keeps working! :001_smile:

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