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A ridiculously trivial question for the ladies in Hawaii

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Like I said, it's trivial.


You know how certain things can become a part of a family's lingo?


We were stationed at Kaneohe MCAS from 1980-1983, and during that time there were lots of commercials for a particular used car dealership. At the end of every commercial, a man would come on and say, "Go now, Hawaii! Why pay more?"


Well, for over 25 years now, "Go now, Hawaii!" has been a stock phrase in my family. Whenever someone's in a hurry, we say, "Go now, Hawaii!". When someone's poking along in the opposite of a hurry, it's, "Go now, Hawaii!". Whenever it's remotely appropriate, it's, "Go now, Hawaii!"


Over the years it has morphed into other things -- "Go now, Hawaii! Why pay Walt?" (my dh's name), "Go now, Geraldo! Why pay Hawaii?", and a bunch of other ridiculous things that would make no sense to anyone outside of my family.


My mother and I were talking about it the other day and were wondering if by any chance that company still uses that slogan.


So . . . does anyone know? Has anyone heard it recently?


(I told you it was trivial, but thanks for supporting my walk down Memory Lane!);)

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I've never heard that commercial but like battlemaiden I've only been here a few months.


But already I've told my husband when we leave I'll be saying "take me back to da kine, all over, more bettah." :lol:


all over, more bettah...Molokai...I will return....


Singing now Mrs. M.... Thanks.



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Oh, I never even thought to google it! That did the trick. Now I know that I'm not the only one who remembers that thing.;)


I was wrong, though -- it was a tire warehouse commercial, not a used car commercial.


A couple of the links refer to it as an "early 80's" thing, which would explain why it's permanently stuck in my family's heads even though none of you have ever heard of it.


My little google search was like going back in time. I saw references to a lot of other corny Hawaiian commercials that I had forgotten all about. The human brain is an amazing thing, isn't it?:tongue_smilie:


Thanks, everyone! This thread has been fun for me!

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