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Do any of you have any experience with Christian Liberty Academy High School?

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Yes. It's on the borderline of good/okay, but it's a good basis. The thing with CLASS, is that your going to need some supplement. Also, if you choose the full plan, your locked into the textbooks they have for you, and they are only going to list those on the transcript-no outside resources. There Bible books are really good :) I took Biology through them, and their book was the best science book I've read by far.


Man, I wrote alot :D PM if you have any more questions!

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Only anecdotal info here, but the program has been around for a long time. My priest (who became Orthodox as an adult) is his mid-forties, and was homeschooled through this homeschool provider for his high school. He went straight into college, and later on to Princeton for graduate studies. I would surmise that it must be a solid program to yield those results ! Again, though, this is "old info."

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My friend did CLASS in high school (she is now in her 30's) and she said that she feels that she got a really good education through CLASS. Her brother and sister (who also used CLASS) feel the same way and are happy with their education.


I have been thinking about going with CLASS so I will be interested in the responses, especially if anyone has any info about how CLASS compares with Potter's School.:bigear:

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My neighbor used this with her daughter when I was using American School with my boys. I thought is was okay, but thought American School was better. Her daughter was not an enthusiastic and independant student and never finished. I think she would have been able to finish American School.


American School provided more choices, direct instruction and hand holding, where with CLASS a LOT more was expected of the mom, and it was more of a one size fits all approach. The students I am talking about are all in their early and mid twenties now, so things might have changed.

Edited by Hunter
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CLASS has changed quite a bit over the last few years, especially in their choices for high school. If you look at their website, www.homeschools.org, they now have suggested 4 year plans depending on the interests of your child. They have plans if your child is leaning toward medicine, science, ministry, etc. If your child isn't sure, there is a plan towards college prep. They also have a wide variety of classes to choose from for each subject. You aren't left with just one or two publishers to choose from.

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Thanks everyone for the replies so far.


I am asking about the homeschool program, strider. :)


I have not personally used them. However, I did review materials for several classes in hopes of using them for my dd. I live within driving distance of the brick-and-mortar school and had dreams of combining some CLASS classes and sometimes have dd enroll in a class at the school. I looked at a few high school Bible classes as well as history. I have to say I was really disappointed. The instructor's guides seemed to be little more than a reading schedule. I also felt the reading expectations are kind of light. When I compared their Old Testament Survey text and IG to my own experience with a class in a private high school, I was honestly appalled. A friend of mine has a child enrolled in the school--I talked to her about it. This friend used to homeschool. She felt that the brick-and-mortar school was of far higher quality than the homeschool arm of the business.


Others may feel differently, and keep in mind that I have not used the materials myself.

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My friend didn't enroll her son until the end of 11th grade.....they have a program where you can submit other textbooks for approval if you don't want to use their suggestions. The only thing her son had to repeat was his keyboarding class. He graduated this year from CLASS and he was an AP student all the way through - graduating at 17. He scored very high on his ACT test also!


Just thought I would drop you a line on a positive experience of recent date! :)

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