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Help me find a book or video on medieval cosmology


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We're going to be in Medieval this year, and astronomy, and my daughter is in logic stage. One of my all-time favorite books is C. S. Lewis' Discarded Image, about the ancient and medieval picture of the universe before heliocentrism came in. Does anyone know of a book or video that explains that really nicely?

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I'm sure there are other resources, but we're definitely learning about it in Joy Hakim's Story of Science "Aristotle Leads the Way" -- totally appropriate for middle school.


Also, there's also a cool picture book called "Starry Messenger" that you might consider checking out of the library. It's surprisingly interesting, but won't likely have the depth you're looking for.

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Thanks. We do have Aristotle Leads the Way--but if you've ever read The Discarded Image, it's pretty different really. I want something that likes the order and beauty of the old system, and doesn't mind for the moment that it's factually incorrect.

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I know you're specifically looking for a book, but you should also check out this fantastic exhibit at the Library of Congress: "Explaining and Ordering the Heavens: Views of the Universe" which features ancient, medieval, and renaissance star-charts and cosmological drawings from around the world.


Lots of pictures at their website: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/world/heavens.html

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