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Grammar resource?


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I am in need of a grammar resource that is not AG (I cannot afford it.) for my son who has had very little grammar or punctuation. He can define a basic noun, verb and adjective, knows the basics of a sentence, etc. but that is about it.


In the past we have tried R&S, CLE, GWG, FLL, Writing Skills bks A-1, Saxon Gram/Writ and loads of Schoolhouse Rock with little to no retention or understanding.


Would Winston Grammar be a good choice? If yes, what is a good source for punctuation as I understand Winston does not cover this at all.

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Now that he is older (I'm assuming high school age?), what about taking him back to one of the previous programs you already have for another visit? Does one of those contain the information you need him to know? Slow him down, have him take notes as he goes along. Use a notebook. Write down the definition of each term he comes across. If there are rules given, record those. Complete the exercises. I think it's very easy for a kid to breeze through a grammar workbook getting the work done and never absorbing anything. Getting yet another program won't solve that, but slowing down and really studying it will.


Copywork also helps with those punctuation rules. Have him copy passages that contain the kind of punctuation you are wanting him to improve. Talk about why that punctuation is used. Have him study the passage and give it to him for dictation.


If this isn't something you have time to do during your normal school schedule, you might consider taking some time before school starts to do a week of intensive instruction in this one area to give him a bit of a catch-up. Then reinforce it through his regular composition work. If he takes notes on punctuation, then you could have him review those notes when he examines his papers before he turns them in. You could also circle errors, but have him figure out what he did wrong. Anything to get him thinking about it.


That said, I was looking at the samples of the new ALL on SWB's blog and it looks really good, so that might be worth considering if you really want something new.

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Giving you another bump. :001_smile:


In addition to Easy Grammar Ultimate that Brigid suggested, there is also Easy Grammar Plus. It is non grade level and everything is in one text. Jensen's Grammar and Jensen's Punctuation also comes to mind. Do you have a Barnes & Noble (or something similar) nearby? Maybe you could browse their shelves and see if something would be a good fit for your ds.


I too, struggled to find the right grammar program for dd. We tried many of the programs that you have aa well as EG. The only one that has really worked has been AG. I also balked at buying it because of the price. However, as much money as I spent buying and trying all of the other programs, I could have bought a couple of sets of AG. :lol: I also justified the price knowing that it would be used for more than one year. So even though I shelled out quite a bit of money the first year, I knew I wouldn't have to buy anything the next year.


I really hope you find something that works well. I completely understand the frustration of trying to find the right fit for grammar. Let's not even get started on writing! :lol:

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Has he done a lot of grammar workbooks and they haven't worked? Or has he not focused on much grammar over the years?


Also, is your goal to get him to know the names of the parts of speech & such, or to write better sentences?


I think it would help to know more what your son needs, rather than just "grammar."


But if money is a factor, then you can find a lot online.


- OWL has a lot of lessons and even practice worksheets: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/#exercises


- Daily Grammar has archives with tons of worksheets.


- Grammar Bytes has a lot, including some wild videos.


A good google search will give you tons of options, especially if you want to hone in on a particular area such as punctuation.



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