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Does your child's need for a nap dictate your schedule?

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I cut my 4yo's nap short today (only an hour instead of 2 to 2 1/2 hours) and tried putting him to bed early. He had a bath at 7pm. Then I read to him until almost 8pm. It's 9:16pm, and he's still not asleep yet.


I took my 2 year old up at 8pm, and it took 45 minutes of nursing before she fell asleep so I missed our evening family time. We've been watching one episode of Doctor Who together each night.


It will of course take time to change habits.

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I am sorry Joann.... I think you know your children best. Because of chronic pain issues I have dealt a lot with sleep deprivation and what can happen when an adult is sleep deprived so I tend to be in the category that whatever works for your family is what works.


My child has NEVER been an early to bed sleeper, I wasn't either. She functions just fine going to bed about 9 and wants to with out a fight generally, and I encourage nap/quiet time every afternoon unless we can't get out of something. We do skip sometimes and it generally makes for an earlier bedtime.


Just do what works for you. I didn't nurse really so that wasn't an issue for us and my dd weaned herself from so many things (just not diapers LOL). I think if you wanted to start weaning 2 yr olds nap you could, but rather than cold turkey I would start by laying her down and waking her up sooner than normal. See how that works after a few days.


Your family time is very valuable, that's why I don't push a early bedtime too. You sound frustrated and that doesn't make for a happy mommy and that transfers to the family. Anyway, please do what's best for your family. :grouphug:

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I just wanted to add that now that my three older kids usually don't take naps, they go to sleep early. Many people will think we're crazy, but the 3yo and 5yo go to bed at 6:30pm. The 6yo is usually in bed a little after 7:30pm. She's the one most likely to still take a nap. They all get up at 6:30am. We set an alarm so they don't get up earlier. The 3yo could still use a nap but she is super stubborn and won't have anything to do with it.

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