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Does anyone have a middle ages...


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We haven't started the Middle Ages yet, but I've been thinking about what books to download from librivox as well. Definitely on the list will be Famous Men of the Middle Ages, Story of the Middle Ages, Heroes of the Middles Ages, and Manners, Customs and Dress.


I know some people here don't like Henty's books, and although I've never read one yet to DD, we may listen to a few of his books set in each time period. Here are some for the Middle Ages available on librivox.org.


In Freedom's Cause


At Agincourt

St. George for England

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I forgot about King Arthur! I'm not sure which one as there a few on librivox, but Stories of King Arthur's Knights told to Children looks good. This version by a different author may have more mature content. I would have to listen to a few chapters to see whether it would be appropriate for DD. Here is another one King Arthur and his Knights book. There is a version told to children by Henry Gilbert but it's still a work-in-progress.

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Even though we're not in the Middle Ages yet, we have started to listen to Fifty Famous Stories Retold and DD loves it!


You're right - there's a lot of free audiobooks out there. It's exciting since I haven't found as many for the Ancient Times.


Also, I think we listened to Stories of Beowulf told to Children last year, but I don't quite remember the reaction. Maybe we should have waited until actually studying the Middles Ages.

Edited by crazyforlatin
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When we did the medieval period a few years ago, I made an Excel spreadsheet of a bunch of resources, with over 30 hyperlinks to things like the online books and free audiobooks on librivox. There might be a few things out of date and other things I just missed, but I'd be happy to email to anyone who wants it. Just let me know (email or PM)!


(I'm about to go back to work, so it might be later tonight before I can send anything.)

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