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Can you help out this overwhelmed mama with some book reviews?

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I'd like to be able to pre-read some of the books my oldest is reading but due to a billion and three reasons, I just can't get around to it and now I have a pile of books that are going to have to go back to the library unread. :(


I'm hoping somebody here can help me out with these.


They would be for my 9yo dd who has read Percy Jackson, first 4 HP books, LOTR, and 39 Clues series (just for some reference of what she's enjoyed and we've allowed).


We're Christian so a heads-up on anything that would be a bit "wonky" for lack of a better word, in these books would be appreciated.


Would you allow your 9yo to read these series:


The Beastologist (Nathaniel Fludd) series by RL LaFevers


The Lowthar's Blade Trilogy by RL LaFevers


The Land of Elyon books by Patrick Carman (this one especially since the back cover sounds dark)


The Theodosia books


Thanks for any help you can offer. My dd is chomping at the bit to read these but I have reservations about just letting her loose with them since I simply have no time to pre-read. (Gosh I hope that this doesn't make me a bad mama :o) Anybody able to help me out?

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My 10yo read Theodosia when she was 7. That was before Percy Jackson or 39 Clues... If you didn't find those wonky, I doubt there would be anything objectionable with that series.

(but I am not the best at deciding what other people find objectionable so...)

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Your dd and mine have the same taste in books!! Mine hasn't read HP yet though, I'm waiting on those because they can be so dark.


Theodosia was fine. If she likes Percy she will love Theodosia. My dd really likes these a lot, she's big into Egyptology and Greek Myths.


I think the Beastology books look too young. We've looked at them before.


My dd LOVED Percy and then Lost Hero. And she loved Red Pyramid and Throne of Fire. All Rick Riordan.


One of her favorite series was Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. She is waiting not so patiently for her hold for the new one The Warlock at the library!


She just finished one she liked a lot called The Blue Shoe. Right now she's reading Odysseus in the Serpent Maze and likes it a lot.


Up next I plan to get her the Fablehaven books. I've also heard Deltora Quest is really good. And Chronicles of Prydain. City of Amber is kind of futuristic fantasy. The Gallagher Girls series looks cool, a girls school for spies, but I need to research that more.


The Land of Elyon books sound pretty good, if not particularly well written. But I'm not always a stickler for that when it's her free reading time. I let her relax and read what she wants. I will look at picking this one up and giving it a try.


Honestly, I don't preread all my dd's books, so YMMV. I like historical fiction mostly about England. She does not. :lol: I take a lot of ideas from here on the forums, and I also read reviews on Amazon. Really, there are a lot of mamas posting on Amazon and if you read the 1 and 2 star reviews you will get a pretty good idea of what is not good about a book.


I'd say go for it!

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