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grammar question

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Can someone explain to me why this is:


Here IS the happy couple.


here ARE a couple of pictures for you


A couple of friends ARE coming over


If you use the word IS in the first sentence because there is one couple, then why don't you use IS in the second sentence becasue there is still only one couple (of pictures) and why don't you use IS in the last sentence becasue there is only one couple (of friends) coming over. Can someone help me here??

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English isn't my first language, nor am I any self-proclaimed grammar guru ... but what stands out to me, is the use of "couple" even though the word is the same.


In sentence two, couple refers to pictures (plural); in sentence three, couple refers to friends (also plural). In the first sentence, it doesn't refer back to anything - and couple appears to be treated as a singular.


Though FWIW I've always said here ARE the happy couple. I'd say here THEY are, so I say here ARE the happy couple. Like I said, it's not my first language and I often mis-speak LOL. If I'm unsure, I switch around the wording. On that note, here's a bump :tongue_smilie:

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In the first sentence "couple" is a singular noun. In the other sentences "couple" is a modifier telling how many. It describes the noun as being plural.

Edited by chepyl
mistyped letter on my phone!
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A collective noun can be either singular or plural. The link goes to a discussion of the differences. There are many other websites with explanations that may, or may not, diverge from the perspective of the page linked. Search for -- "collective noun" plural -- and pick what is of most use to you !






Can someone explain to me why this is:


Here IS the happy couple.


here ARE a couple of pictures for you


A couple of friends ARE coming over


If you use the word IS in the first sentence because there is one couple, then why don't you use IS in the second sentence becasue there is still only one couple (of pictures) and why don't you use IS in the last sentence becasue there is only one couple (of friends) coming over. Can someone help me here??

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