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History help (wwyd?)


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I have a 1st, 4th and 8th grader.


Now my 8th grader doesn't seem to know much about history at all. She has been public/prvt and homeschooled. She was homeschooled in 1st, 3rd "cyber schooled"and 4th where we did state history. So I never really got into much History with her.


My 4th grader also doesn't know much past the "babyish" communities/people type SS.


I was looking at doing STOW vol 1 or MOH vol 1 with all of them but a fellow HS'er who I hold in pretty high regard told me that STOW was not enough for an 8th grader.


I downloaded a sample of STOW vol 1 to my ipod and I have STOW vol 2 from the library but only flipped around a bit. I have not seen the activity books either.


I have not seen MOH at all, still waiting on the library


It is important to me that I do all 3 kids together for both time and budget.


so wwyd?

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We have a 1st, 2nd and 5th grader here and will be doing ancients as well. What I plan to do is have the younger 2 do SOTW 1 and activity guide while the oldest is doing HO2. We won't be doing SOTW in order though, but following the HO2 sequence...this way all 3 are studying the same thing, just on their own level. I know that when I am doing some read alouds with the younger 2 my older one will be listening (if I asked her to listen I would certainly get some eye rolls, but if she just happens to hear the stories...well that would be OK ;) )


Another option could be Classical House of Learning. They have a logic as well as grammar stage Ancient History. Perhaps that would work for you...

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I have no experience with MOH. We have all the SOTW books, and have 'done' the first two. They are written with each book progressing to a more advanced level. The reading level and material of the 3rd and 4th books, in my opinion, is too much for your younger kiddos. The level of the 1st and 2nd books is too low for your 8th grader.


You could use the book and activity guide as is for your younger kiddos for SOTW 1 or 2. Then for your 8th grader, supplement with books from the library, shows/videos, research projects, etc.


My 8th grader loves to read all 4 books in his spare time. But, I wouldn't consider the first two or three books as a full history course for him because the level is too low. It would need supplemented.

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What about using Biblioplan so you can do SOTW with the youngers, and have MOH for the older one (my understanding is that MOH is geared toward older children) and then Biblioplan has materials geared toward the different ages. Might be an option :)


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It's going to be hard to use just one program and make it age appropriate for a 1st & and 8th grader. What about having the 8th grader "teach" the younger kids history using SOTW, and then having her supplement as part of her prep for teaching them?

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