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Oh my. Hope you don't mind if I go ahead and steal these. :lol: I'll use the singular form since I have but one "wee beastie."


See, you guys get it! My sister-in-law was miffed with me when I called her baby a wee, sleekit beastie. She was in no way mollified when I pointed out that I'd omitted tim'rous and cow'rin.

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WOW! So you had (at least): a 4 yo boy, 3 3yo boys...and then 2 infants???!!!! My hat's off to you, Wonder Woman! Very impressed. I think what is even more hard to imagine than the triplets and twins is the 4 boys within one year...then and now! I've got 3 boys (within 6 years) and all they do is WRESTLE all day long. I can't even imagine what it's like at your house, and with 4 boys pretty evenly matched!


Also, I wouldn't worry about calling them the twins and triplets. I doubt you say things like, "So, Triplets, how was the birthday party today you attended?"


Editing to add: I see you had a heap more kids before these! Once again...very impressed! I imagine you were somewhat immune to the wrestling by the time these guys came along. I'll bet your kids love being in your family and have tons of fun. I have a friend that was one of 11 and she says her siblings are the best gift her parents ever gave her.

Edited by HeidiKC
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WOW! So you had (at least): a 4 yo boy, 3 3yo boys...and then 2 infants???!!!! My hat's off to you, Wonder Woman! Very impressed. I think what is even more hard to imagine than the triplets and twins is the 4 boys within one year...then and now! I've got 3 boys (within 6 years) and all they do is WRESTLE all day long. I can't even imagine what it's like at your house, and with 4 boys pretty evenly matched!


Also, I wouldn't worry about calling them the twins and triplets. I doubt you say things like, "So, Triplets, how was the birthday party today you attended?"


Editing to add: I see you had a heap more kids before these! Once again...very impressed! I imagine you were somewhat immune to the wrestling by the time these guys came along. I'll bet your kids love being in your family and have tons of fun. I have a friend that was one of 11 and she says her siblings are the best gift her parents ever gave her.


My mom lives with us too help, also when they were that young we had a "baby sitter" who came and helped us, we couldnt do it on our own for the first year and a half. Oh my house is CRAZY when it comes to wrestling, i started a post on it a while back asking how to make it stop, but i'm learning to live with it. And no I dont do that LOL :lol:


I was not immune to the wrestling though, we only had 2 boys before Daniel, and the triplets. And they're 4 1/2 years apart, so they really didnt try to wrestle. I think they do, LOL, The boys love having 24 hour-live in best friends :) So do the older girls, And Neveah loves having little girls to play with now :), before them the older girls didnt want to hang out with their little sister and then there was just a whole bunch of boys.

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I don't think so. If we're referring to our oldest 2, we call them 'The Boys'. If we're referring to the youngest 2 it's 'The Babies'. How is that any different?



We also have the boys, the girls, and the babies. Depending on the situation or circumstance the last girl will either be in the girl group or the baby group. Oh well. I think dressing them alike when they've outgrown that sort of thing or not allowing them to branch out on their own when they are ready would be more problematic than speaking of them as a group. Maybe when you speak of them as a group some people assume you see them as one unit when this may not be the case at all. I speak of my children in groups when it's convenient semantically but don't view them as one unit. They are all very unique and distinct. But they are not twins or triplets. So, of course, it's not difficult to do so. Make sure you *see* them as individuals. Calling them "the triplets" may or may not be a symptom that you aren't.

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WOW! So you had (at least): a 4 yo boy, 3 3yo boys...and then 2 infants???!!!! My hat's off to you, Wonder Woman! Very impressed. I think what is even more hard to imagine than the triplets and twins is the 4 boys within one year...then and now! I see you had a heap more kids before these! Once again...very impressed! . I'll bet your kids love being in your family and have tons of fun. I have a friend that was one of 11 and she says her siblings are the best gift her parents ever gave her.


:iagree: You must be a great mom! and im very impressed! I have 7 & things are crazy! But we're trying for 1 more, I guess I'm crazy :001_tt2:

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Oh my house is CRAZY when it comes to wrestling, i started a post on it a while back asking how to make it stop, but i'm learning to live with it.


So was the consensus that you have to learn to live with it and you can't stop it? If there were any good tips on stopping it, please point me to that thread! My oldest two are over 4 years apart and they are the two that wrestle non-stop!


Sorry...getting a bit off-topic! But I am mad for advice on wrestling and gotta grab it where and when I can! Thanks!

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See, you guys get it! My sister-in-law was miffed with me when I called her baby a wee, sleekit beastie. She was in no way mollified when I pointed out that I'd omitted tim'rous and cow'rin.


:confused: Other people don't know Robert Burns? They make posters and baby stuff with that phrase on them!

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We mainly do it when reffering to the group of them, and Yes and all of the triplets are identical, so are the twins :)



Wow. To be so fertile. Congratulations. So happy for you.


In order to have ours (including a set of twins), I became a CCU aka a Chronic Clomid User! I'm thankful that medical science could provide the help we needed to conceive.


BTW- our twins outgrew the 'twins' label when they started having their own friends- ours are b/g and I'd say that was about when they were 5-ish.



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So was the consensus that you have to learn to live with it and you can't stop it? If there were any good tips on stopping it, please point me to that thread! My oldest two are over 4 years apart and they are the two that wrestle non-stop!


Sorry...getting a bit off-topic! But I am mad for advice on wrestling and gotta grab it where and when I can! Thanks!


It's okay! If you wanted to read the thread here:



What were doing is setting a time and place for Wrestling, and if you try to wrestle before that you do not get to wrestle in the "match" at the end of the day (its safer b/c i watch the match & so it doesnt drive me insane all day with the constant wrestling):D It's probably not the best advice but we've been doing this for about 5 days and after Daniel & Peter started wrestling on the 1st day after i explained it too them, so they didnt get to participate in the "match" at the end of the day, and had to sit in their room. They both threw fits, but now everyone knows better. We also are considering putting them in a wrestling team.


Hope that helps! :D

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What were doing is setting a time and place for Wrestling, and if you try to wrestle before that you do not get to wrestle in the "match" at the end of the day


Hmmm...thanks! I might have to try this! Although I'm sure it works better with 6 boys than with 3. If 2 of mine wrestled and lost the opportunity for a match, there'd be no one for the 3rd one to wrestle with! It's a GREAT idea for a family with a bunch of boys, I think. Good luck! And they'll all have great memories of the mom-sanctioned wrestling matches held each evening!

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