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I probably shouldn't have

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but I did. I bought a Nerf gun to bribe Pigby with.


We started with OPGTR when he was three. He's five now. We probably could have finished a LOOOONG time ago if I weren't so lazy and always forgetting to do it. I was considering this year kindergarten, since technically I don't have to report him until the fall of 2012. This year was just "practice" for me. Obviously, it didn't go well.


Since his reading ability has surpassed where we are in the book, I just wanted to quickly move through it to make sure we covered everything and then be done. Well, at five years old, he wasn't too keen on the idea. But ever since he went to his friend's house and saw his Nerf gun, he's been asking for one. So I bought this baby and stuck it on the shelf and told him he could have it when we finish OPG. He did 21 lessons yesterday in 2 hours (not all at once) and was begging to do more, but it was way past his bedtime. He wanted to stay up all night to finish. He really wants that Nerf gun.:lol: Only 74 more lessons to go.

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He's done 9 so far today. I had to take a break and take a power rest on the couch because I was so tired. :bored:He wanted to power on: "I want that Nerf gun" :001_tt1:but it's nothing a little Angry Birds can't solve. Now we'll probably do a few more and then I'll let him do some more tonight before he goes to bed.


Go Pigby, go!:hurray:

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:lol: My mother always said, "It isn't bribery. It's positive motivation." ;)


Love it!


Well, the grand total at the end of the day is now 52 left. We've hit the two syllable words and he's doing fine with it so far, but I'm pretty sure at some point he'll have to slow down.

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