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RS4K Level 1, should I take 1 yr or 2?


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I have finally decided on using RS4K Level 1 for my 6th grade boys. However, I am now trying to decide on whether to take one year or two to do all 4 of the books (chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy). I was thinking I would do 10 weeks for each book, enabling us to start on either Rainbow Science or Apologia General Science in 7th grade. But....would it be wiser to stretch the 4 RS4K books over 2 years by adding extra books/activities to them rather than going through them quickly? That would put them in 8th grade when finished, so I guess that would eliminate Rainbow Science as an option and also screw up the schedule for Apologia. :confused: Or does anyone know if RS4K is planning a jr/sr high curriculum? I thought that by choosing RS4K I would be done with the science decision this year, but now I'm confused as to how quickly to use it! Ack! :tongue_smilie: I guess the question I'm running into is what to use for the 7th and 8th grade. And....if RS4K will be good enough for 7th if I were to take 2 years. If I knew what to use for jr. high, then that would help me decide on how long to take with RS4K!


Anyhow, if any of this has made any sense to anyone (and it probably hasn't!), and if anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it!


Oh, and for some history of what we have been doing...we've used mostly Apologia for the past 4 yrs, so they haven't had any chemistry or physics.


Okay, I think that's it...!!!




Holly in KY

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IMHO one year should be fine. I used bio level 1 this past year with a 3rd grader, and he grasped it easily at a pretty fast pace. I have physics and chem, and they seem comparable to me in difficulty.



Hmmm, do you think it would be too easy for 6th graders? I was originally leaning towards BFSU, but apparently I need to start with the first book before moving on to the second...I think that's just putting us waaay too late in years... Here I go again...I need to put blinders on and stick with RS4K!! (Unless someone thinks I should use BFSU :lol:)


Holly in KY

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I think RS4K level 1 would be too easy for 6th graders. We did it in grade 3 as well. I love the Stop Faking It! series for grade 7, 8 (from NSTA.) They are supposed to be for teachers to learn more about the subjects, but they work great with a parent and kid working together.

Edited by cschnee
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Well, I was thinking I would do John Tiner's Exploring the World of Chemistry and Chemistry for Every Kid along with RS4K Chemistry, and then repeat the same for physics (Exploring the World of Physics, RS4K Physics, Physics for Every Kid), etc for all 4 of the books along with buying some fun kits to do with them. But now, with several of you saying it's too easy for 6th graders....makes me re-think... I've read a lot of the rs4k chemistry book, and (oh, please don't judge me!! I never had chemistry in hs!) I thought it was very informative and not really all that easy! :confused: Oh, I must be sooo dumb!! The only thing I liked in hs was diagramming sentences!! I never had good science teachers, so I never took anything past biology (where I learned nothing). Maybe I should read more of the biology and physics and see what I think of those... So.... if not RS4K, then what for 6th graders who haven't had any physics or chemistry and are not, well, not "advanced." They're not behind, but they're certainly not gifted! I really want to do physics and chemistry this year. Would AIG be better? I have all of them (my brother-in-law used to work there and gave me the whole k-8 series--the second edition, not the 3rd), and I actually thought they looked rather dry and boring. Rainbow Science? I thought that might be a bit too difficult for them, but maybe not. I have one that really struggles with school(twins), while the other one picks up on stuff very quickly. I guess I usually try to go a bit easier to help the one who struggles. He gets frustrated so easily.


????:confused:???? Any ideas???




Holly in KY

TOGers with twins

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Hello Holly~


I humbly disagree that RS4K is too easy for 6th graders. It can be supplemented with so many things (Tiner is a good choice!) If the child just reads the book and does the experiments then yes it may be too easy.


However, if the child is required to make flashcards of all the terms and memorize them, explain in their own words the main concepts (writing or oral), complete color sheets or practice labeling cells etc. online, or read additional library books RS4K will provide a full experience.






By the way, RSK4 also has study folders available now.


P.S. I added Lyrical Science 1 to biology. My DD learned so much. Some think they are corny, but they work!




Dina :001_smile:




QUOTE=hollyandab;2862491]Well, I was thinking I would do John Tiner's Exploring the World of Chemistry and Chemistry for Every Kid along with RS4K Chemistry, and then repeat the same for physics (Exploring the World of Physics, RS4K Physics, Physics for Every Kid), etc for all 4 of the books along with buying some fun kits to do with them. But now, with several of you saying it's too easy for 6th graders....makes me re-think... I've read a lot of the rs4k chemistry book, and (oh, please don't judge me!! I never had chemistry in hs!) I thought it was very informative and not really all that easy! :confused: Oh, I must be sooo dumb!! The only thing I liked in hs was diagramming sentences!! I never had good science teachers, so I never took anything past biology (where I learned nothing). Maybe I should read more of the biology and physics and see what I think of those... So.... if not RS4K, then what for 6th graders who haven't had any physics or chemistry and are not, well, not "advanced." They're not behind, but they're certainly not gifted! I really want to do physics and chemistry this year. Would AIG be better? I have all of them (my brother-in-law used to work there and gave me the whole k-8 series--the second edition, not the 3rd), and I actually thought they looked rather dry and boring. Rainbow Science? I thought that might be a bit too difficult for them, but maybe not. I have one that really struggles with school(twins), while the other one picks up on stuff very quickly. I guess I usually try to go a bit easier to help the one who struggles. He gets frustrated so easily.


????:confused:???? Any ideas???




Holly in KY

TOGers with twins

Edited by Dina in Oklahoma
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Hello Holly~


I humbly disagree that RS4K is too easy for 6th graders. It can be supplemented with so many things (Tiner is a good choice!) If the child just reads the book and does the experiments then yes it may be too easy.


However, if the child is required to make flashcards of all the terms and memorize them, explain in their own words the main concepts (writing or oral), complete color sheets or practice labeling cells etc. online, or read additional library books RS4K will provide a full experience.






By the way, RSK4 also has study folders available now.


P.S. I added Lyrical Science 1 to biology. My DD learned so much. Some think they are corny, but they work!




Dina :001_smile:





Thanks, Dina for the links...I'll definitely check them out! The more I thought about it, the more I came around to thinking that RS4K I will be a great spine for my boys. It is, afterall, an introduction, and I think it will be great fun to add stuff to them. I'm really liking the looks of the John Tiner books (I already ordered them!), and I think the For Every Kid series looks great too. Our library has all of them! Also, I have the Lyrical Science biology; I'll have to throw that one in too! :)


Thanks for the ideas!


Holly in KY

TOGers with twins

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Their next level is in the works too, and is being altered to meet high school credit requirements. It just might be that these will be great for now, and help them spiral to better understanding come high school. I mean, really, most of the science I got before high school was laughable in comparison!!

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Their next level is in the works too, and is being altered to meet high school credit requirements. It just might be that these will be great for now, and help them spiral to better understanding come high school. I mean, really, most of the science I got before high school was laughable in comparison!!



I was wondering if they were going to go up through high school. That might work out great! And I agree...my science was laughable too--even IN high school! :ack2:


Holly in KY

Mama to 11yo twin boys


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