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Dental question :o(

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I had a small cavity right between my two front, top teeth. Yes, it was from not flossing enough. He did a quick fix on it with the same white type material they use for fillings. It was an easy fix and you can not tell at all. HTH!

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One of my kids has really tight teeth but flosses religiously 2x a day, and has done since he was three years old (he's extremely rule-based, so once the dentist told him he MUST floss 2x a day he has NEVER deviated). He has still had four cavities; they have all been drill & fill. I have had one cavity my entire life, dh has had more than he can count. Our other three kids have had two cavities between them all; I firmly believe that genetics play more than a little cause in cavities.

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I have cavities between every one of my top front teeth. (Apparently the cement they used on braces back when I was a kid wears down the enamel. :glare:) The doctor drilled and filled and you can not even tell that the fillings are there! My teeth look beautiful. I was so anxious about how I would look afterwards. The fillings only show up on the x-rays. The one thing you won't be able to do much of afterwards is to use teeth whitening products. They match the composite to your tooth enamel which won't whiten the same as your teeth. I am happy to put up with my not brilliantly white teeth versus no teeth at all :D. I would imagine eventually they will come up with a whitener that will do it and for all I know they might have already. Don't worry you will still look like your beautiful self!!

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