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Recipes to serve 60-80 people?

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I'm looking for new recipes to cook for a group I serve every few months. They receive a meal twice weekly and since I only come in to cook infrequently, I've been able to stick with one meal-plan that is easy for me to plan and execute. I'd like to change it up but have a few parameters to follow:


Budget- Would like to keep it under $150


Time- Only have 3 hours from start to serve


Meal- Must be a nice round meal, including a small dessert and drinks


Any tried and true recipes?

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We have served at the local mission before and served around 100-125. We did sloppy joes, corn, pears, lettuce salad with the dressing already on it, and cake pieces for dessert. Easy to do and not very time consuming. Bought the frozen corn in bulk size bags and the pears in large cans. Lettuce salad was bought in the already cut up jumbo size bags and I believe we put Dorothy Lynch over the lettuce and tossed it in, so you don't have to fool around with doing each individual salad. Hope that will help a bit.

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We do this all. the. time.


We normally have ground beef with some sort of Mexican sauce (the sauce varies widely from time to time), rice, salad with dressing, corn tortillas, whatever fruit is in season, and jello or cookies.


I've taken over one of the camps we feed and I'm trying to find a way to add more calcium into that. I found a poblana soup mix that is made with milk that I think would make a good sauce. I'm also going to add spinach because it has tons of healthy stuff in it.

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