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Been enjoying a funny BBC series in urban homesteading!

Kerrie in VA

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Edit--Sorry I posted this on the wrong board ; P


We have been enjoying this show on Netflix called The Good Life. It looks like it was produced in the 70s but, with the renewed interest in homesteading even in an urban setting, I thought I'd share it. We love the BBC shows!


Our homesteading efforts:

Moved off the sailboat and it's container gardening into a small square foot house since we were disciplined to the smaller space but now with a big yard (this city house came with a second lot!)

Got our Komo Mill and wall Granary last week with wheatberries, oatgroats, and dented corn and making myself try a new recipe daily--might switch this two every other day but we have cool neighbors to share the surplus and give feedback!

Two 8x20' raised garden beds--son's domain.

Nice redwood chicken coop--saltbox style with an attached run.

Our little chicks are 10 days old! First experience. I've been plowing through old postings and blogs for sage advice. They are growing so fast--I see a change in them daily!!


Anyway the BBC show is quite entertaining with four good actors who play off each other so well.

Edited by Kerrie in VA
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thanks for the recommendation! I'm enjoying Colonial Life from netflix. I remember hearing about another show that was similarly named where it showcased people that formerly had "power careers" and had given them up for various quirky or organic lifestyles.

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thanks for the recommendation! I'm enjoying Colonial Life from netflix. I remember hearing about another show that was similarly named where it showcased people that formerly had "power careers" and had given them up for various quirky or organic lifestyles.


It may be the same show because it *was* listed under two names.


I'll check out Colonial Life, too! My oldest is studying that period in history.

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