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Surge Training or Burst Training for exercise

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Anyone do this? I just happened across it today and think it sounds intriguing. I have little time to devote to exercise but am committed to making healthier life choices, so this might be a good fit for me.


Anyone try it? Does it work or not work? How do *you* do it? Any videos, websites, or books that you recommend? I'm :bigear:.

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Yes, but we usually speak of "intervals" instead of surge or burst. It is typical for competitive swimming and far more effective than just swimming non-stop for an hour or two.


The easiest way to try it is to go for a run, BUT, instead of jogging:


-Wear a watch.

-Sprint a block (or a hundred yards)

-Rest a minute (check your watch)

-Repeat 10 times


While you're resting, take your pulse (for 6 seconds, then multiply by 10 to get beats per minute. Longer than 6 seconds and your pulse actually starts to recover and slow down.) It should be at your max heart rate (for your age.) Mine is usually higher (around 200) but I figure the max heart rate is for an average over the entire time, not the bursts. If your heart rate is not high enough, run FASTER.


Being a competitive person, I like to TIME each sprint. Make sure they are all as fast as the first one. Don't let them slow down into jogging mode.


Make sure you warm up before and warm down after or you will be sore.


This will take 15 minutes. You will be more tired than if you had run an hour.


To increase your workout as you get into shape you can:


-run faster (time the hundreds. Do them in 15 seconds instead of 20)

-run further (do intervals of two hundred yards instead of one hundred yards)

-decrease the rest time

-vary the distance and rest time (ie. do 10 x 100 yards, then 10 x 200 yards)

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Thank you so much for that detailed explanation. It really helps me to see how it is done and how I can vary my routine. I'm getting excited about trying this!:)


Just a couple of quick questions---I rest according to the clock and start back after a minute even if I'm still breathing hard, right?


I've also heard that it's important to take a day off between training sessions. If I did another type of exercise, is that OK? I'm thinking about alternating this interval training one day with an exercise DVD (like 30 Day Shred) the next day. Would that somehow lessen the effectiveness?

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I rest according to the clock and start back after a minute even if I'm still breathing hard, right?





I've also heard that it's important to take a day off between training sessions. If I did another type of exercise, is that OK? I'm thinking about alternating this interval training one day with an exercise DVD (like 30 Day Shred) the next day. Would that somehow lessen the effectiveness?


Cross-training on alternate days will not lessen the effectiveness.


The need for a day off in between depends on how much you break the muscles down in a workout and whether you are doing something that makes your joints need a day off (like running.)


When I started back swimming, I went every day (and did about 1/6th of what I used to consider a real workout. :D) My muscles adapt better that way and I could build it back up gradually. I also had to stretch several times a day. It took about a week for the muscles to not hurt all day, then I could try to increase.


Running would be another story.

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You don't have to take off a day between training, though it is customary to alternate the focus of muscle groups, i.e. Upper body one day, lower body the next. That doesn't mean you don't use those muscles at all, just that they get secondary use.


I've not seen a single running program that tells you to only work every other day. Depending on the level, you either run or cross-train every day. (so far as I can tell, the "rest" between runs has more to do with shoe recovery)


Interval training is used in cardio (running, elliptical, etc) and strength training. Try looking for HIIT (high intensity interval training), tabata, plyometrics, etc and see where that leads you in your goals.

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I'm amazed at how much info is really out there. I started looking up "HIIT" and "Tabata" and am finding so much! Thank you all for answering my questions!


Now, just one more quick question for you all. I think I'm going to start a notebook/binder and use it to track my progress--my workout routines and when I complete them, periodic body measurements, etc. Do you happen to know of any already-made printable forms for this kind of thing?

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Thank you for your patience with me. I keep coming up with more questions.:tongue_smilie: Hopefully this is the last one. I ran across this HIIT downloadable music, and I think it would really be helpful. I did a search, trying to find similar product but came up with nothing. Surely there is more out there! Does anyone have any favorites? Or tips for creating your own? If not, I'll probably purchase this set. TIA!

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Thank you so much for that detailed explanation. It really helps me to see how it is done and how I can vary my routine. I'm getting excited about trying this!:)


Just a couple of quick questions---I rest according to the clock and start back after a minute even if I'm still breathing hard, right?


I've also heard that it's important to take a day off between training sessions. If I did another type of exercise, is that OK? I'm thinking about alternating this interval training one day with an exercise DVD (like 30 Day Shred) the next day. Would that somehow lessen the effectiveness?


Do you want to jot down schedule you have in mind? I am trying to follow what your goals are.


You should train almost everyday but alternate what you are doing.

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Do you want to jot down schedule you have in mind? I am trying to follow what your goals are.



I'll probably make adjustments as I go, but I'm thinking about starting out with this:

-Every other day - 30 Day Shred video (Is this considered HIIT?)

-Every other day - Interval training from Lose Belly Fat workout (I hate the gimmicky name, but I like how there are 8 weeks, each one gradually increasing the intensity of the HIIT.)


I'd like to continue with my 10 min. jog (which I already do most days) and my occasional gym routine (which I do whenever we are at the gym--frequency varies a lot with the season).

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I'll probably make adjustments as I go, but I'm thinking about starting out with this:

-Every other day - 30 Day Shred video (Is this considered HIIT?)

-Every other day - Interval training from Lose Belly Fat workout (I hate the gimmicky name, but I like how there are 8 weeks, each one gradually increasing the intensity of the HIIT.)


I'd like to continue with my 10 min. jog (which I already do most days) and my occasional gym routine (which I do whenever we are at the gym--frequency varies a lot with the season).


The 30 day shred isn't HIIT but it looks fine an alternate to running intervals.

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I do this type of training almost exclusively and really enjoy it. I don't do intervals with running, but rather I usually do bodyweight exercises (or sometimes kettlebells or TRX). I get a lot of my inspiration for workout ideas from http://www.bodyrock.tv or http://www.myomytv.com. Sometimes I use the workouts posted just as they are written or sometimes I make up my own workouts using similar exercises or interval styles. That is the fun with this style of training..... it is so versitile and you can change it up everyday.


I had been blogging nearly daily about my workouts but since we moved, I haven't kept up. However, you can go to my blog here: http://asymptoticallyapproachingfitness.blogspot.com/ to see almost a year's worth of the workouts I have done.

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