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Would you use Discovering Mathematics with an average math student? Or would you say that DM is quite challenging and would be better for a "mathy" kid? Thanks.


We found DM quite challenging, and it would have made my other twin cry (she did Lial's Prealgebra and was very happy).


We did use the Workbook, though, which really cranks up the difficulty level (but also cleverly includes integrated review of previous concepts in the problem sets).

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Thanks Matroyshka. I've read a number of your posts about DM lately in my research and it's been really helpful. What about if the program was done without the workbook? Would it still be too advanced for the average kid?


I think it would be more doable. I have a friend who is actually from Singapore who used DM with her dd this year, and did not use the workbook, and swore up and down to me that it was not necessary and they barely used it in the classroom in Singapore, just maybe select problems or not at all. The workbook is a big leap from just the text - it makes conceptual leaps and also requires the student to integrate things they learned in previous chapters with the current one in a way the text doesn't require of them.

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ARe you bringing DM and the workbook to the conference? Pretty please? :D


Yes, and I have an extra copy of DM 1 and 2 textbooks that I'd be happy to sell to any takers! (I bought two copies when I thought both of my twins would be doing this, but as it turns out only one did, and they're non-consumable, so I can pass down the one copy we used to my younger dd).


I'm thinking of posting a list of all I plan to bring to share, and anything I'm bringing that I'd be happy to sell over on the social group. Can't do it now, have to prepare for birthday party this afternoon!

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I think even the workbooks would be doable to a point. It has different sections. Basic Practice is just that. Further Practice seems a little more challenging. Challenging Practice is where it gets into NEM territory and my daughter tends to start despairing. :D But we generally work through that as well if we can.


I have however stopped feeling bad if we can't figure out the CP section and I do enjoy having the workbook.

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So, Dawn, what you are saying is that it is doable for the average kid?


I don't even really know where to put my son on the scale. He's doing MM and gets all of it with no trouble. The only trouble we had was because his multiplication facts weren't cemented so we went back and worked on it, then he was fine. I hesitate to call him advanced or "mathy" but he doesn't have any trouble with math.

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So, Dawn, what you are saying is that it is doable for the average kid?


I don't even really know where to put my son on the scale. He's doing MM and gets all of it with no trouble. The only trouble we had was because his multiplication facts weren't cemented so we went back and worked on it, then he was fine. I hesitate to call him advanced or "mathy" but he doesn't have any trouble with math.


He sounds like my daughter. She has no problem except when the text and WB get to the extra challenging questions. Those I feel free to skip if we're having too much trouble. I wouldn't hesitate to use DM and to pick up the workbook for extra practice.

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