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American History via SOTW/AG way?

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There are other programs that people will recommend and lots of great US history resources, but after having read a few threads about this exact question, I feel pretty confident in saying that there's nothing with a single, living book style text that accompanies a single activity guide that also suggests accompanying readings.

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There are other programs that people will recommend and lots of great US history resources, but after having read a few threads about this exact question, I feel pretty confident in saying that there's nothing with a single, living book style text that accompanies a single activity guide that also suggests accompanying readings.



Well that is not good.

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There's the new A Living History of Our World. 3 Volumes make up American History and they have a notebook to go with it. I've heard other living books are suggested. I'm not sure if they have activities or not, but I don't think it would be hard to pick up some Activity books like these to add some fun projects. It's not an all-in-one easy package, but you may be interested.

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I should probably add - at least not that I found palatable for me. We're also doing US history next year so I've been reading lots of these threads over the last year and I have looked up a few resources that turned out to be of the providential history sort or otherwise very religious, which isn't for me, so I didn't investigate further.

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