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curricula questions for parents of one child


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Dear parents of one child or those home schooling one child,


I am attempting to select a good Biblically-integrated curriculum for next year. I am interested in ones that use a CM-style approach. Since I tend to try to do too much (when I have planned it on my own and used my own resources) I thought this year I'd try something that someone else had put together for me. I have narrowed it down to two choices: HOD and MFW. Many of the curricula I have looked at seem great for teaching multiple children across multiple ages but I do not have that issue.


Since I have not done either before I was considering HOD Hearts for Him Through Time: Creation to Christ and either Exploring Countries and Cultures or Creation to the Greeks, to begin at the beginning, in a sense. My dd is currently 13 and in 7th grade. But because of her dyslexia I was concerned with MFW being too rigorous for her. She is a somewhat independent learner. And I was concerned that HOD might be a bit tedious. She reads at around the 5th grade level but her writing is lacking in substance (maybe around the 3-4th grade level?).


Could someone tell me how much time is involved in doing the HOD or ECC from MFW? Are they both 4 day a week programs? Any other thoughts would be most helpful.

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I have one student, but have been using TOG for the past couple of years and it works beautifully for us, despite the fact that it was designed for schooling multiple children. Don't be swayed by the design of a curriculum because that isn't everything -- the content is what is most important.


As to HOD and MFW, I can't help you there because we've never used them. If you don't get the response you'd like, you may want to rephrase and repost because your real questions seem to be more about the two curriculum choices than about hs'ing one student. Just a thought...




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I have read on HOD boards quite a bit and the author will usually answer your questions there if you post. I have read lots of posts that she answered personally and her sister also helps a lot. I would post your questions there and then you would get a good idea of HOD's fit.


Hope everything goes great for you! I have an only also, but he's a little younger (10). I think HOD would be great for CM style.:001_smile:



(I'm narrowing it down, so I'll have a signature soon for ds 10)

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I just wanted to chime in as I also homeschool currently with one student. I second TOG. We really love it and you can tailor it to what you want. That being said, I see what you are really asking is about MFW. FWIW, I considered MFW intially but really liked the book choices better with TOG and that was my real deciding factor.


Good luck to you and hope you get an answer to your question.

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KellyT01 and HSMom2One,

Could you tell me more about TOG? It matches up with the classical education model, is that correct? How does it work for children whose skills don't match up with "where they are supposed to be" (like my 13 dd whose skills aren't all "7th grade" skills)? Are the lessons adaptable to adjust to different skill levels? What do you like the best about it? What are things that you have struggled with?


Since I don't think you're still on-line right now, I'll PM each of you. Thanks in advance.

Edited by kareng
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