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Timez Attack now includes division (and + & - soon)

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This is a wonderful FREE product for memorizing multiplication facts (it works!!). They have just added a way to practice division facts, and are working on addition & subtraction.


The free version is fully functioning and covers all facts through 12 x 12. They sell a deluxe version that includes different "worlds" to play in, but is not necessary. When we originally downloaded this, I told my oldest DS that I would buy the upgrade when he completed all the levels, which my second DS ended up doing in about 2 weeks, then they both happily went through all the levels again via the new worlds.


I very highly recommend this product!! And no, I do not work for them, receive any compensation for my endorsement, or even know anyone who works at this company.

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SHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! My kids don't know this is school! :D


It is written by people who used to work for a company that made Playstation games, so it "feels" like a video game. G has even figured out ways to trick it into letting him do things you shouldn't be able to, like walking on the ceiling and climbing up walls. Of course, to do this he has to do all of the 6 times tables to GET to that area, so it really is "math with a candy coating."

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I so wish they had addition and subtraction right now! My 7 year old needs to memorize addition and subtraction over the summer and I can't find any fun ways to do it. Kill and drill is NOT going to work for this child.

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