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Prayers please

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A friend of mine posted asking for prayers for her friend's husband-a Marine who stepped on an IED in Afghanistan. She has asked for prayers as far and wide as we can get them and knows it is being posted-these are the facebook posts from when it happened until today





Mark was seriously injuried yesterday while conducting a mission in Afghanistan. I recieved the phone call yesterday at around 5pm. The injuries that he is suffering from now are...bilateral amputations above the knees, a severe laceration to his left elbow, burns and fragments in his right arm, a concusion, and internal bleeding. He was on a mission with 3/2 Scout Sniper Team #2 and stepped on an IED. It took the helicopter 23 minutes to get to him but his team was able to react quick to the situation and keep Mark stable. Mark is currently unable to be flown anywhere due to his serious injuries. A crew of doctors are being sent to him in Afghanistan from Germany. Our hopes are that once the doctors get there and find where the internal bleeding is coming from they will be able to operate and transfer him to Germany where his mother and I will be able to fly out to be by his side. His brother Steven Bradley is currently serving in Afghainstan also a Scout Sniper and was flown to his bed side this morning. We have no more updates as of now. I have had so many people asking what they can do for myself and his family and the ONLY thing we can ask is that you to continue to pray for Mark and pray that God will give him strength to pull through this. Mark is a very strong person and he wont give up. As soon as I have another update I will keep everyone posted. Just please continue to shower him in prayers. Myself and his family want to thank everyone for all your support and love.



6-5-11---------Steven is Mark's brother--Also fighting in Afghanistan


Steven just called! Mark is still fighting and all your prayers, support, and love are working so please please please keep them coming. Mark is still in Afghanistan. It is 11pm there and his flight to Germany is scheduled at 4am. We are not sure how long he will be in Germany but their goal is to go ahead and get him to Maryland. Steven said the doctors where there are amazing and taking excellent care of Mark. His internal bleeding has stopped, his vital signs are good, and they said all his organs are okay now. He does have a fever but they said its normal. Steven said he would call again as soon as they land in Germany but it will be a little while. I just want to thank EVERYONE for all your support love and prayers. It means the world to us and to Mark. Ive had a couple of people ask to use my pictures of Mark and to tag these notes to their facebook to keep everyone updated and that is absolutely okay with me. No need to ask. As much support and prayer as Mark can get he needs. I promise to keep everyone updated as soon as anything changes and please know im so very thankful for all of you and all of your suppor





This is a status Mark posted to me in May...it just makes me smile.


hey sweetie, i am finally able to get on here and write you something. just wanted to tell you that you mean the absolute world to me and i miss u so much. it really sucks being without my best friend but we will be back in each others arms again before you know it. i love you so much baby! dont ever forget that and know that i think about you every second of every day. take care of yourself hunny, i love you!

May 12 at 1:23am




I have arrived in Germany. Its been a rough couple of days. Mark is currently in an operation so I haven't been able to see him but I will be in the next hour. He has some brusing around his brain, and they are trying to see the extent of that so they will be doing a CT scan this afternoon. He did open his eyes at 3am this morning but was not responding to any commands. The next step after this operation is to try and wake him up and get him to respond for us. We are not completely out of the wood works yet but he is still with us so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PRAY AS HARD AS YOU CAN. Thank you all so very much, i will be in touch soon.





Let me start off by saying that im sorry it has taken so long for an update. I have been extremely busy and on top of that been by marks side every second that I can. Mark is still fighting as hard as he can but he is still very very sick. Today they placed a tube in his brian to moniter his brain pressure. He has some bruises on his brain and they are very concerned about it. The tube is placed to moniter the pressure. He just went and had a CT scan done a little while ago and I am waiting to hear back from the doctors. If he has any more swelling in his brian its not a good thing. He still has kindney and liver failure but is on dialysis. The doctors say that his kindeys look like they are progressing but that is only after he gets a dose of dialysis so they will continue to keep him on that for as long as he needs it. He still has a breathing tube that helps him breathe because he cannot do it on his own. All the doctors say he is a miracle and medically they cant believe he is still with us. As of right now we are scheduled to fly to Maryland tomorrow BUT anything can change in a second. I will be flying home with Mark. Because of God and Marks strength he is still with us today. Mark is the strongest, most wilpowered, bravest man I have ever met in my life, and thats exactly why he is my husband. Please please please continue to pray your BIG hearts out. Right now they are working and I need my husband so please pray for him. I love you all very much and thank you for all your support and prayers. And thank you God that Mark is still with us today 39.gif





I just want to start off by saying that I appreciate everything from everyone. The messages, posts, support, love, and prayers. I do read them all but cannot reply back because there are so many so this goes to all of you! Our families and I cannot thank you enough for all that your doing for us. If there is one thing I know for sure its that your prayers are working and Mark is a miracle. He is fighting for his life right now, and I mean fighting as hard as he possibly can. I have never seen so much strength and wilpower from one person in my life. Mark is a fighter and he is not giving up.

This morning he went into the O.R for a couple of large procedures. Once they got him in there his pressure in his brian got a little high so they had to put in a tube to try and drain some of the blood to release the pressure. Still there were complications. They found more active bleeding in his brain and decided they needed to react immediately. They removed part of his skull to give his brian room to swell. Talking with the doctors this morning the Trama doctor was very positive that his kidneys and liver would recover. The main concern right now is his brian, and they told us this morning that the next 48 hours are the most critical for him. He is getting dialysis tonight which will take about 6 hours because they have to be very careful with his brian. The nureologist did say that his chance of recovery was very poor, but with that said she was just stating the facts and Mark is not a fact Mark is a miracle.

There is NO reason to give up hope and I know for a fact that God works miracles everyday and its proven because I still have my husband with me today. Although Mark is very very sick he is the strongest fighter I know and he WILL NOT give up. WE NEED AS MANY PRAYERS AS WE CAN GET FOR MARK. Although his strength is unbelievable his body can only go through so much so I ask of you that you pray that God will wrap his arms around Mark and heal him. Ask for a miracle. Please please please. If there is anything Ill ever ask for its to live my life with my husband by my side. So please repost forward do whatever you can to get the word out there so he can recieve as many prayers as he can get. For all his sacrifices please pray that God will keep my husband with me.

Again thank you all so much for everything. I wish I could write you all back, but please just know that what your doing is not going un-noticed. It means the absolute world to me, because of all of you, his strength and God he is still with me today and there isnt a thing in the world I could ask for other than that. Thank you all so much 39.gif

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