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Why NOT Trisms HM in 8th grade?

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I have been driving myself crazy trying to choose an 8th grade history curriculum for dd #2. She needs something more independent because she hates to wait for me. And she did alot of that this year as I struggled with 3 kids in three SL cores and a stressful year on top of that.


I have SL cores 6 and 7 in hand (she just finished most of the first half of 6) The plan is to do a 4 year cycle in HS beginning w/Ancients (MFW), so I had hoped to do an overview of WH in 7th/8th. I need /want something with more questions/worksheets/time-line assignments written to the student. Writing is another focus this year and we are using IEW/Winston Grammar Adv.


I like Biblioplan's cool history and student pages, but would then have to "choose" a year (medieval would be my choice and we have most of the books). Last week, I was lovin' that plan!


It seems every time I almost make a decision, another idea pops into my brain. I worried she wouldn't have covered "all" of history before HS (oh no!) I considered having her finish what we have, and committing to writing up weekly assignments, but I know I won't follow through. SL 6/7 uses SOTW 1-4 and I considered getting the Activity Guides but worried that they would be geared for much younger children. The thought of selling those lovely books to try something new :confused:......$ is an issue at the moment. This child loves to read, research, report and loves checking off her lists! Trisms would cover that and give a broad sweep of WH. I will be combining with younger sis (12) who I will be very hands-on with no matter what we choose. So do I keep what I have and tweak, go with BP - similar (more comfortable) and much better in meeting my "activity" needs, or twist-off in a newer direction with Trisms- a bit out of my comfort zone???? Please share your wisdom, I'm spinning on this one. Thanks,


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She needs something more independent because she hates to wait for me


I had hoped to do an overview of WH in 7th/8th.


I need /want something with more questions/worksheets/time-line assignments written to the student.


Writing is another focus this year and we are using IEW/Winston Grammar Adv.


This child loves to read, research, report and loves checking off her lists!


All of the items quoted above seem to fit TRISMS. Have you shown your DD both programs and gotten her input? Most of the books you have purchased for SL will fit right in to TRISMS, and you can use the library for the rest as you don't have to use specific books.

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Thanks for the input! And the link to the Kathryn Stout book. Great resource. I found a used TRISMS History Maker very inexpensively. Yay! And, after showing my daughter and getting her wholehearted YES!, I ordered it. I know myself too well and coming from SL, having a very busy schedule and being an endless researcher myself, I would probably end up writing up an incredible curriculum but maybe never actually implement it! So this looks like it will fit perfectly for this year. We shall see. I would love to hear from anyone who has actually used HM. Anybody???:bigear:

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I am sure you can! Core W is a fast-paced survey of WH. My 9th grade dd did it this year. Don't skip timelines/mapping. I knew nothing of WTM until I stumbled upon this site looking for used curricula earlier this year.....I also fumbled with SL's LA and did not have my dd's writing enough (my fault) so now we are playing catch-up with that. I LOVED SL when I combined all 3 for 3 yrs. Last year we did 3 different cores and it laid me out! I applaud families that pull it off. This year dd#3 will get more of the teacher time she needs as the "olders" work a bit more independently. 3 dd's, :willy_nilly:18mos apart and each so different!

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I also would like to hear of anyone's experience with Trisms. I like the idea that the student can form his/her own world view (rather being taught the way to see things) through the resources he/she chooses.


I hope you come back to post how you go with HM.

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