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My Macbook is not doing well

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Last year my poor Macbook was dropped by Cora and had Diet Pepsi spilled on it by Anna. It recovered very nicely. :) Before we left for vacation, it was acting up a bit by just randomly turning off occasionlly, but when we returned from vacation, it was fine! All of a sudden yesterday, it started messing up again. It takes forever for it to come on, and when it does, it just sits on the grey apple screen with the gear turning. While that's going on, it sounds like a fan is running, so I'm worried it's the hard drive. I have tried lots of suggestions from the apple website and forums, and yesterday I got it to safe boot, but that's not working today. :( Luckily I have everything backed on discs and flash drives. I guess I'm taking it in to the Apple store tomorrow. Ugh. No telling what that will cost. Oh, and it won't let me insert a disc so I can't reinstall anything. I am currently typing on my daughter's netbook, but I have to have my Macbook!! I have pictures to edit and schedules to make. EEEEEEEKKKKK!!!!!


Please do me a little favor and pray it's a quick, easy, and cheap fix. I'm worried!

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make an appointment at the genius bar. Mine was missbeving and I sent it away for a complete check of some sort (I don't remember what it was called), but they evaluated it replaced some parts that had recalls on them, did some warrenty work, and it has never been better. Mine eval/tune-up was covered under the maintenance contract thingy that hubby bought for it.

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