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Florida Virtual School

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segment 2 of Chinese I. The Spanish I is a well established course (with all the bugs worked out) and dd thought it was much better than the Chinese I course (beta version).


The first segment of Chinese I was created by Powerglide and was such a disaster that FLVS got another company to rewrite the course. This caused a lot of difficulty for the students who had done segment 1 of Powerglide and who had to go on to the new course (where they were expected to know the stuff from segment 1 of the new course).


If you are a Florida resident (with free tuition), then FLVS is a great value. I wouldn't pay the $800 out of state fee. I get the feeling from other posts that the FLVS courses are solid but not outstanding (like the PA AP classes). The exception to this is the Chemistry I class, which I hear is poorly done.


I do love the flexibility though. FLVS' policy is "Any time, any where, any place." The classes can be done at regular, extended or accelerated pace. Dd did Spanish 1 at regular pace, segment 1 of Chinese at regular pace and segment 2 at extended pace.




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My daughter took several of their high school classes. Her experiences were positive, over all. The courses did vary in quality, but if she had not gone off to college this year, she was planning to take three more.


My son has been taking their middle school math courses, which he's liked very much. The instructors have been great.


He's now finished with the middle school math sequence, and I don't want him to jump full-time into algebra, so we're taking a different route for math next year. However, he didn't want to not be taking any FLVS courses, so he's asked to sign up for art and geography for next year.

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My 9th grader is taking Alg I Honors starting June 23rd. We had the preliminary phone call with the teacher and watched the 'Open House' webinar. She's looking forward to that course and is also slated to take Intro to Business Computers over the summer so she can take Web Design I in the fall. So far, all I can report is that the guidance is helpful and her Alg I teacher seems nice so far! :001_smile:

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My dc have taken Latin I & II, World History, honors & AP Biology. Love, love, love the Latin. The teachers have been great, know my kids, are readily available for technical or subject help and genuinely seem to care about their students. Dc can take the NLE, participate in Latin Club and Junior Classical League as well as Latin Honor Society through their FLVS classes.


World History was . . . lackluster. It was a survey course and the honors portion was unchallenging. I liked that ds was required to write quite a bit for the class, but again the writing was not challenging. My oldest was a test case in our family and I won't have my other dc any history through FLVS.


AP Biology was solid. The program did a very good job of taking the student through the material. Ds's teacher was great, readily available for help, knew my ds and seemed to love the subject and care about helping her students succeed. The program had a few computer glitches.


I agree with Sandra in that, since I live in Florida and FLVS is available for free, we will avail ourselves of classes. However, if I lived outside Florida, I would not spring for the high fees as their are such good (and better) alternatives. My ds also took a PA Homeschoolers class this year and had an excellent experience.




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I am signing my 7th grader up over the summer for science 7th grade and keyboarding. I cant figure out how much time he will have to do the course. It shows you can take as much time or turn in work as you finish on the FLVS site...but our county also offers Broward Virtual School...which shows as a franchise and the same as FLVS...but it states you have to turn in work weekly.


Did you use a county program or the florida one? I thought they had been the same...but I finally just dropped the one for broward and signed up for the same courses with flvs instead. I hope that my ds can do work on his own pace. I ended up signing him up for June starting as well. This way, if we hate it...he can start apologia in aug. with our sonlight books.

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to drop the class if you don't like it. If you don't drop within the 28 days, there'll be a W/F on the permanent record.


I don't know about the Broward Virtual School, but the FLVS classes can be done at regular, extended (x2) or accelerated (1/2) pace. There are some different classes on Miami Virtual School eg. MVS offers AP Spanish and FLVS does not. The prerequisite for AP Spanish is Spanish 3 while at the local ps, Spanish 1-4 is done before AP Spanish.




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  • 2 weeks later...

We just started science this week. It is starting out great. The teacher calls on the phone...and it has been very nice. She told me we can work at any pace we want. I signed up for June start...so we already started. If we work ahead we can finish...or if we work slow...she said that is fine as well. Either way...and if we do the red assignments on our sheet with good grades...we can call it advanced credit class.


My son is really enjoying the work. I figured I would try. The teacher called us from home...LOL...with her 2 babies in the background. Sounds like a great job from home.

My hubby told me I need to become a virtual teacher now and get paid...Haaaa


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FloridaLisa, what would you use for history instead? Our history plans may fall through and I was curious about which approach I would take for hs history. My dd loves a hands-on approach filled with real people through literature, movies, documentaries, etc.


Sorry, Laura! I just now found your question!


I've used units we put together using VP as a spine for grammar and dialectic. For rhetoric, I've used Omnibus and Speilvogel. Neither are very hands-on. TOG would be great for that -- a spine but lots of living books, art, music, etc. I find I cannot do that level of history anymore unless I doit with a group.




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