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R&S English


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We have used R&S English for 3 years and we are getting burned out big time. DD has learned alot but I don't think we can handle more years of the same ole, same ole. If you have used R&S English and changed to something else, would you please share what you are now using? Thanks!

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We have used R&S English for 3 years and we are getting burned out big time. DD has learned alot but I don't think we can handle more years of the same ole, same ole. If you have used R&S English and changed to something else, would you please share what you are now using? Thanks!


I wouldn't say that we are burned out with R&S. We still like it, but it just seems to have gotten stale at the moment, and we need a breath of fresh air. We are looking into CLE LA, as it appears to be just as thorough as R&S. We may give it a try and see how it goes. We can always return to R&S. Haven't quite decided yet...

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Thanks for responding Lisa. I get a bit overwhelmed when I think of making a change. I know R&S English is very thorough and does the job and I don't want anything less than that but at the same time I feel we need a break from the routine. I guess all curriculums have their routine though. I've considered CLE LA before but never really looked at their scope and sequence for elementary and middle school years. Whatever program I consider I definetly need to do that. Thanks again:)

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What if you just take a year and focus on a specific type of writing or on literature instead of hardcore grammar?

I hadn't thought of that before. I would love more input or ideas regarding that if you have any:) My dd is an avid reader and would probably love the literature idea. Are you referring to something like LLTLA?

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What if you just take a year and focus on a specific type of writing or on literature instead of hardcore grammar?


:iagree:I think that's a great idea! I don't think kids have to have hardcore grammar every single year. A lot of grammar concepts are repetitive. I think you could take a break from it, and bring it back when they are older and can grasp it at a deeper level.

This will give a year for your kids to apply what they have learned in R&S in real-world writing.

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What if you just take a year and focus on a specific type of writing or on literature instead of hardcore grammar?


Hi! We did this somewhere around 5th or 6th grade, and used a Daily Grams book along side of a composition program. She is strong in the LA area so I felt fine about shifting our focus. We used Apologia's Jump In because IEW was too pricey for us at the time. This was several years ago & there are probably many more wonderful options that I am not aware of.


The writing was the "bulk" of our LA that year while the Daily Gram took my daughter roughly 5-10 min to do each day (and was sometimes skipped altogether if we didn't get around to it... :D). It was a nice break!


HTH in some way!

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I hadn't thought of that before. I would love more input or ideas regarding that if you have any:) My dd is an avid reader and would probably love the literature idea. Are you referring to something like LLTLA?


I don't have any ideas specifically. I just know that grammar year after year did not gain us anything at our house. A focus on hard core grammar in middle school was much more to our advantage. Less time, more gained.


Total Language Plus might be one you could look at for more of a literature focus. There are other companies with literature guides as well.

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If I was going to switch, I wouldn't switch to another full writing/grammar program. Take a break for year and have some fun with something else.


That is what I am thinking as well. Maybe I could throw in a bit of Daily Grams or something like that for review along with a Writing or Literature Program. Thanks for all the ideas:)

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I hadn't thought of that before. I would love more input or ideas regarding that if you have any:) My dd is an avid reader and would probably love the literature idea. Are you referring to something like LLTLA?


I think this is a great suggestion. We finished R&S 3 up in January but my dd doesn't start 4th until this fall. I opted to focus on WWE and narration skills this semester, an area she was weak and needed practice. I feel refreshed and ready to take on grammar again come August. And given there are only ~120 lessons a year, 4 days a week, it is easy enough to condense, take a break come back and still EASILY catch up. And remember that R&S gets very aggressive in the later grades as it condenses 12 years of grammar into 10 years.


I also know someone who planned on knocking out grammar in the summer just to have 1 less subject during the year.


There are all sorts of ways to take a break without leaving a program that is WORKING for your family.

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