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Could anyone compare the IEW and Classical Writing Programs for me?

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Or direct me to a comparison chart somewhere, if such a thing exists?


My ds will be a 5th grader next year. We used CW Aesop for a while, I found it a little difficult to use. Now we are using Writing Tales II, and I love how everything is laid out for me. Ds likes it okay, though writing is Not his favorite subject. I think that part of what I found confusing about CW Aesop was that it seemed like ds should be Writing more than 1-2 days each week. Now that we are using WT, I think I probably Was using it right. Friends of mine use IEW and love it. I have only seen the IEW Medieval History Stories book, but the process seems reasonably similar to the CW/WT method -- writing narrations and then trying to choose the best words, etc.

I would to hear from someone who is familiar with both of these programs and could explain the strengths & weaknesses. I would like to choose one program, when we are through WTII, and stick with it through high school!

Many thanks!

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compare their programs to each other. Go to the CW messages boards to find the info and IEW families yahoo groups in the files.


The IEW yahoo group has extensive files to help with the program; spend time in the "unit models" file. Also look at the file called "product samples."


We use and like IEW.

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Melora, I don't know how far you are in WT2, but when you get into 2nd semester and the sentence beginnings, they are EXTREMELY similar to the IEW dress-ups. We finished WT2 last week (hurray! pat on the back!), and as I've looked over IEW, I think it would be a terrific transition. The models are shorter (whew!) and the process similar. My only unsurety, not having used it, is what level IEW your ds would go into. I guess judge by the models. If you want the hand-holding, I would think you'd go for the SWI videos rather than starting with their theme books. That would be more interesting for your ds too. You could do that and then go into the themed book later.


I don't know if this would help your ds, but I would make some allowances or accomodations for him, just to make your remaining time in WT2 go more smoothly. I don't like to fail to finish things, kwim, but sometimes things are a rough fit. The models are quite long, which can be a real challenge. My dd isn't one of those natural spellers who adores writing, etc. She's just proficient, and she found WT2 overwhelming at times, mainly because of the model length and sheer time and brain power it took her. I finally landed on a method that works: her rough draft needed to fill a minimum amount, in her case 1 page. So she wrote till she filled at least one page, then we called it good. When we typed the story, which simply labeled it part 1. Given your ds is a bit older, maybe require 2 pages. But I'm just saying it's ok to accomodate him and make it a little less painful so that he can get through WT2. The content is very, very good and you're going to be really glad you finished it. Shortening the workload will not affect the outcome but could make it much more tolerable for him. Are you typing his final draft? I'd make any accomodations necessary to keep it comfortable.


And yes, they need to be doing more writing than just in their writing program. He should be writing a page or two (or more) of something every day. That can include dictation, spelling, subject writing, notebooking, whatever. I'm just saying he does need to do more writing. The writing program helps teach skills, but it can't possibly give all the PRACTICE a particular student needs.

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We have used BOTH this past year (3rd/4th). It was our first year of writing beyond copywork/dictation. When I was researching, I really liked elements of both programs, so decided to try to use both as a slower rate. We did CW Aesop A and IEW.


I love Classical Writing. I like how it streamlines different aspects of language arts (especially doing grammar in context!). I like how you spend time on analysis and then use the text as a model for the student writing. I like so many different aspects of it. I consider it my main writing program.


I also wanted to provide my son with skills earlier on to do some well-structured modern-style writing (paragraphs, essays). This is what I use IEW for. Once I watched the DVD's (TWSS), I understood & liked how the different units built on one another. Some people don't always like the style aspect of IEW (requiring a certain number of certain kinds of dress-up in the student's writing). This can easily be de-emphasized in IEW while still gaining the benefit of the strong structure teaching.


The combination of the two worked really well for us this past year. I'm planning on doing something similar for next year (CW Aesop B + IEW) as well.


HTH somehow.

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Melora, I don't know how far you are in WT2, but when you get into 2nd semester and the sentence beginnings, they are EXTREMELY similar to the IEW dress-ups. We finished WT2 last week (hurray! pat on the back!), and as I've looked over IEW, I think it would be a terrific transition. And yes, they need to be doing more writing than just in their writing program. He should be writing a page or two (or more) of something every day. That can include dictation, spelling, subject writing, notebooking, whatever. I'm just saying he does need to do more writing. The writing program helps teach skills, but it can't possibly give all the PRACTICE a particular student needs.


Thank you! We are only to week 10, so I will look at how sentence beginnings are handled later on. I'm glad to hear it would be a smooth transition to IEW!

I wish I'd been having him do more writing this year. We've done copywork to improve his cursive, and sentences from Rod & Staff (though we do most orally), but writing is a battle and I've been focusing on other stuff (math and Latin, this year!). If I'd followed the WTM recommendations and been doing written narrations every day he'd probably be a better, less reluctant writer by now.


I do let him type his final draft of his WTII stories -- they Are long.

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We have used BOTH this past year (3rd/4th). It was our first year of writing beyond copywork/dictation. When I was researching, I really liked elements of both programs, so decided to try to use both as a slower rate. We did CW Aesop A and IEW.


I love Classical Writing. I like how it streamlines different aspects of language arts (especially doing grammar in context!). I like how you spend time on analysis and then use the text as a model for the student writing. I like so many different aspects of it. I consider it my main writing program.


I also wanted to provide my son with skills earlier on to do some well-structured modern-style writing (paragraphs, essays). This is what I use IEW for. Once I watched the DVD's (TWSS), I understood & liked how the different units built on one another. Some people don't always like the style aspect of IEW (requiring a certain number of certain kinds of dress-up in the student's writing). This can easily be de-emphasized in IEW while still gaining the benefit of the strong structure teaching.


The combination of the two worked really well for us this past year. I'm planning on doing something similar for next year (CW Aesop B + IEW) as well.


HTH somehow.


Thank you for this idea! The analysis in CW is what I don't want to lose. I will have to look into this further and see if putting the programs together would work for us! (We are starting TOG next year, and I am determined to be more faithful about science next year, and we are adding Greek, so I don't want our writing program to becoming extremely time consuming. But he Really needs to improve his writing, so maybe I need to make it our major focus. Aaack! What to do?!)

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