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RS Math for K to SM for 1st??


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I already have Right Start Math A but will need to buy B. I also already have everything needed for Singapore Math for 1st grade.


My two sons are both 5.5 YO and I am planning to start them in K sometime between now and the fall. They are already reading fairly well but we have not done as much in math. They count well, pretty much to 100, although they may need assistance when going from 39 to 40 or 49 to 50, etc. They can also count objects well and we play lots of games that require counting. They also play the war card game that requires recognizing which number is larger/smaller.


So, I'm wondering if I should go ahead and start K with RS A and then move to B and then move to SM for 1st grade. For those of you who have used RS and SM, would this work out OK? I have also considered just starting with SM for 1st grade but I don't want to make it so challenging for them that they will not like math. Any thoughts?

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You may want to check out Satori's blog- satorismiles.com. She did RS and they are now doing SM (but I don't recall if there were other maths in there.) Her blog is outstanding, she has very good reviews of both programs, and talks about switching from one to the other.


DD and I are doing Singapore 1A. She had some trouble with memorizing number bonds, but is doing just fine with everything else- and we didn't do any math program before this. (And can figure out the number bonds just fine- it's the memorizing that is slowing her down, so not something I think would have been improved by using another math program first.)


I *think* you would be fine finishing up RS A and going right to SM 1A without buying everything for RS B, but I'm sure someone with more experience will chime in! :D

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Hi, I did RS A when my daughter was a pre-K, partially K and then moved to SM primary 1.


Here is the schedule I had for my daughter combining RS level A ans PM and IP of SM.


- First 54 Lessons of RS Level A.


- Chapter 1 of PM 1A and Topic 1 problems of IP 1A.


- Chapter 2 of PM 1A and Topic 2 problems of IP 1A.


- Chapter 3 of PM 1A and Topic 3 problems of IP 1A.


We skipped subtraction because RS hadn't introduced it yet.


- Lesson 56 ( I skipped calculator lesson) of RS Level A.

I told my daughter she could use her abacus to check the equation so she did.


- Chapter 5 of PM 1A and Topic 5 of IP 1A .


- Lessons 57-60 of RS Level A.


- Chapter 6 (Addition up to 20) of PM 1a and Topic 6 assignments of IP 1A.


- Chapter 7 (without subtraction) of PM 1A and topic 7(without subtraction) of IP 1A.


- Lessons 61-67 of RS Level A.


- Chapter 8 (Patterns ans shapes) of PM 1A and Topic 8 assignments of IP 1A.


- Lessons 68-70 dealing with length of RS Level A.


- Chapter 9 (Length) of PM 1A and topic 9 problems of IP 1A.


- Lesson 71 of RS A


- Chapter 10 of PM 1A and Topic problems(weight) of IP 1A


- Lesson 72-77 of RS A (end of the book)


Then I went back to PM 1A and did chapter 4(subtraction within 10) along with Topic 4 assignments of IP 1A. After that we studied Chapter 7(part 2 dealing with subtraction withing 20) of PM 1A and my daughter worked through Topic 7 problems of IP 1A we had skipped earlier. After all of this she took mid-year review of IP 1A. I broke it in half (first 10 pages-regular practice-Day 1, second 10 pages- challenging problems-Day 2).

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I *think* you would be fine finishing up RS A and going right to SM 1A without buying everything for RS B. :D


I agree. If you are planning to continue with SM, there is no need to use RS B. RS A will give you a very good foundation for SM number bonds etc. Your child will move very fast through SM1 and will be ready for SM 2A.

Edited by SneguochkaL
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Warning: If you start with RS A, then you may find that you and your dc like it so much that you won't want to switch to anything else. :D


When we began RS A, I was supplementing w/Singapore Earlybird (and then moved into Singapore Primary Math as we progressed in RS). Not that I had to mind you, supplement that is, just was curious about Singapore (and my perfectionist/OCD tendencies compelled me to make sure all things math were covered, via visually/auditorily/kinesthetically/etc.) and wondered what would truly work for us regardless of what I liked. Well, eventually supplementing w/Singapore PM became less and less needed/wanted until it ceased altogether. I've only recently started supplementing RS again, but this time with Math Mammoth... though I'll likely throw in some Singapore IPs and CWPs over the summer.


It's a matter of preference really, what'll work for you and your dc. If you finish RS A and find it doesn't work for you guys, then by all means... switch to Singapore or MM or ? You may not know until you get there, but RS A is definitely a good start, imho.


:001_smile: Melissa

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Hi, I did RS A when my daughter was a pre-K, partially K and then moved to SM primary 1.


Here is the schedule I had for my daughter combining RS level A ans PM and IP of SM.


Wow, thanks so much! This is great! This will be very helpful. How long did it take for you to work through all of this as listed?

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How long did it take for you to work through all of this as listed?


I think it took us about a year to go through, but we also did MEP 1b after we were done with SM1b book. We did CWP 1 as a review and it was OK.

The reason we stop using RS because it was a little too slow for us, but I like a geometry part especially:).

Originally, I was planning to continue with RS level B and we did, but we would be doing 4 math programs, so we dropped RS for now and will pick it up again doing "Geometric Approach" level.


This summer/fall I am going to do RS level A with my 4,5 years old son, who has don his pre-K/K russian math and ready to move on.

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Warning: If you start with RS A, then you may find that you and your dc like it so much that you won't want to switch to anything else. :D





I used RSB with my DD for K this year (we are 3/4 done). She will go right into SM 1B for first grade in the fall because I love singapore and her older siblings use it...but she wants to stay with RS...she LOVES it! I have explained to her that level C is different and we won't be using the whole program, but that we can still play some of the games.


IMO, if your dc has a solid grasp on the basic facts from the RS games you can go skip SM 1A...I'm not skipping 1B since RS hasn't done much with subtraction, which is covered in SM1B.

Hope that helps!

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