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what do high immunoglobin levels indicate?

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Hey guys,

My DD has a wide range of food allergies and abdominal pain from time to time, as well as digestional issues here and there. Her doctor ordered a celiac screening and it came back negative, but she called me personally today and said she wants Grace to see a gastroenterologist because she said she has abnormally high immunoglobin levels. The doctor is having her office contact the gastro doctor because it's usually a six month wait and she needs to get Grace in sooner, but she couldn't, or wouldn't, tell me what the levels might indicate.


I'm a little nervous because I got a personal phone call from the doctor, and she's a great doctor, but I just didn't expect that. Does anyone know what this could mean? I googled and it just showed a bunch of adult diseases like lupus and such... she's too young for that and she's not in any serious pain.




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It depends which immunoglobulin levels you're talking about. My son has high IgE, which basically means that he is more prone to sinus infections and allergies. That was no surprise since we were getting the autoimmune panel done to rule out celiac and other autoimmune diseases after my son developed cold urticaria. DS also has asthma and various environmental allergies, though we're lucky that he doesn't have food allergies (knock on wood).


There are several other types of immunoglobulins, though, some of which would be more pertinent in a gastrointestinal setting. I'm not knowledgeable enough about those to really be helpful, but let's just hope that the doctor is being overly cautious. Keep us posted!

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Did she tell you which immunoglobin was high?


IgE can be (often are) high in those with allergies and I'm guessing it's what was elevated in your daughter. But then I don't know why she'd want gastro if that was the finding. So I wonder if it was another one instead.


Gastro may not be a bad idea given the stomach pain and allergies at any rate. How is her growth?

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I have only had experience with high IgE in my dd. The nutritionist that we were working with rang with my dd's blood results to say they were dangerously high - something like 1800 or some such. She said that as IgE increases, so do the allergic responses. She said something that my dd was putting into her mouth - her body REALLY did not like, and that an anaphylactic response was a danger at any time - there is not necessarily an orderly lead up to it. We have since figured out the main culprit is dairy.

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Thanks guys- I got a stomach bug right after I posted this and I've been down and out a couple days. I think I'm going to just go with the idea that the doctor is just trying to be thorough in her work. I am not sure which immunoglobulin she is speaking of, but I know there's some reason she wants DD to be seen by a gastroenterologist quickly. They are calling to set up the appointment this week so they can get us in more quickly, so when they call with the date I will ask them which immunoglobulin it is they are speaking of and what the number level is... I'm actually kind of glad I got that stomach bug. It kept me busy being sick that I couldn't worry about this, and now it doesn't seem so bad. Go figure!


Besides the allergies, Grace seems really healthy. She has some ADD symptoms and some sensory processing stuff, but the neighbor told me the other day that she is a "tornado" because she's so active and busy. I really just can't believe there could be something really wrong. I just can't look at her and think she's sick when she's bouncing off the wall, LOL. She's got to be fine if she can hang from the ceiling! Right?

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Celiac Disease is the first thing that comes to my mind with what you have described, even with a negative Celiac panel. Actually, the latest research shows that blood testing is notoriously negative even WITH Celiac going on. I highly, highly recommend the genetic testing for Celiac to fully screen it out.

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Celiac Disease is the first thing that comes to my mind with what you have described, even with a negative Celiac panel. Actually, the latest research shows that blood testing is notoriously negative even WITH Celiac going on. I highly, highly recommend the genetic testing for Celiac to fully screen it out.


Thanks, I will bring that up at the gastro visit. I'm sure they will want to rule it out with another procedure. I know it's tricky to catch...

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OK- I got more info and I'm hoping someone might know what this means...


Her high immunoglobulin is IgA and the number is 250. The number is supposed to be around 124, from what I can tell...



Does anyone know what this might indicate? We got an appointment in two weeks, so we'll be in quickly. I probably shouldn't even be trying to figure this out before the appointment- it can't do any good...

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My son has extremely low IGA and this does cause him gastro problems in that he gets lots of gastro infections easily. I'm not experienced with high but I did google and it seems like it rings autoimmune as well (as would IGE) so that could be allergies which you know or something more like celiac. I think gastro is a good idea and pursuing celiac might be warranted.

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