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How does CPO Life Science compare to ES Logic Stage Biology

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I am planning on using Elemental Science's Logic Stage Biology next year with my 2nd/3rd grader (ds8) and my 5th grader (dd10). We were also planning on doing a bit of physical science with labs next year as well.


The following year, for 4th / 6th grade I was moving into CPO Earth Science and wondered if by the time I got to 5th / 7th grade CPO Life Science would it be too much of the same information that we learned in ES Logic Biology.


And if it is, can I easily enough DO CPO Life Science NEXT year with my students, or is the content too much? Both my kids are avid readers and love science. I did look at some of the extra sheets on their website and noted that the math might be a problem for my younger ds.. as my older dd is only now getting to +/- fractions, decimals, etc. in 4th grade.


I think I might be rambling, but I just saw the most BEAUTIFUL lesson plan that KristineinKS put together for CPO Life Science and darn it, it made me want to do it NOW! I can certainly wait though a few years if someone tells me it's going to be too much for my dc at this age, or that it won't be redundant after having done ES Logic Biology.


Thank you!

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Capt. are you planning on staying with CPO then? Did you use the free Focus series online, or the standard text? I am thinking I would use the standard text just so they could have an actual book in their hands, but I wondered was one better than the other?


Are you staying with CPO? I think I saw where you had posted a Q about the higher physics level .. so you have enjoyed all the middle school classes then?


Do the middle school levels offer an intro to science as far as concepts go? My dc have had science and all, but not chemistry or physics, since we are coming from ps where science wasn't really taught. This year we have done Astronomy and Botony and some Engineering studies along with an Electricity study from TOPS.

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I posted my thoughts on CPO in another thread. I don't recall which one but maybe a search w/ CPO and my username will pull it up. I think one or two others agreed with me. I don't know where we'll be going in the future. I like the look so CPO PHysical science so we'll be doing that along w/ Exploration Education Advanced kit.


The biology left me scratching my head. I gave examples in the post I mentioned above. I think it's just too shallow. But for a kid that has had no biology, it might be good for a quick and dirty introduction and then decide what DC wants to go deeper in. There just wasn't enough information on any of the topics I felt. And b/c I've struggled w/ this, we've not moved as far as I would have liked. B/c I'm a finisher, we'll likely finish it this summer. Then next year, we'll pick 3-4 topics to go deeper on....likely cell biology and human physiology, to go deeper on using Hoagland's Exploring the Way Life Work and Macaulay's The Way We Work.


I'd like to see the high school level physics. I like the looks of the student textbooks.

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Capt_Uhura, I found the other thread you were talking about, and now I am pretty much sold on sticking with ES Logic Stage and beefing it up with all the extra experiments she has, as well as that The Way Life Works book! That was a great one. ;-) From the sounds of it, I will most likely be tweaking anything I get and that order is already in and done, so maybe I should just try not to overthink it.. ha. Thank you

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