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Wool soaker question

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I was thinking about using wool with our baby-on-the-way but I have very little experience. Is it possible to use wool full-time? Will the soaker always feel damp to the touch? Can they be worn under clothing? I was looking at something like these for daytime use. They look trim enough to wear under clothing but I worry about wicking, especially compression wicking, such as in a car seat or wrap carrier.

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As long as you lanolize your wool properly, after a few pees (the original break-in), they shouldn't feel damp at all with normal use. I tell people to let baby wear the wool with nothing covering it for the first few pees to give the urine a chance to react with the lanolin to create the waterproof barrier. When they do stay damp or start to take on the smell of urine it's time to wash and lanolize. The ones you linked look nice. I have used wool with all 4 boys. I love wool! I can talk wool all day! And I worked in a cloth diaper shop for a few years. Let me know if you have more questions. :)

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As long as you lanolize your wool properly, after a few pees (the original break-in), they shouldn't feel damp at all with normal use. I tell people to let baby wear the wool with nothing covering it for the first few pees to give the urine a chance to react with the lanolin to create the waterproof barrier. When they do stay damp or start to take on the smell of urine it's time to wash and lanolize. The ones you linked look nice. I have used wool with all 4 boys. I love wool! I can talk wool all day! And I worked in a cloth diaper shop for a few years. Let me know if you have more questions. :)


So your kids wore wool under their clothing? And their clothes didn't get damp from wicking?

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Pardon me while I don my Captain Obvious cape for a moment.


Wool works really well. HOWEVER, like many other cloth diaper covers, there is a limit to what it can hold. It doesn't matter how fabulous your wool cover, if you don't use adequate absorbancy in the diaper, the cover will "fail." KWIM? So you can't use a single layer t-shirt as the diaper, cover it in wool and think that you'll be good for 4 hours. It just won't work.


Also, like so many other things, compression makes a difference (so a wool cover or wool pants worn in a backpack carrier (bearing weight on baby's crotch) may feel damp more quickly than a wool cover on a baby lying on his back under a play arch thing).


I think wool is super fabulous and I wish I had used it more when my kids were little. I was a big fan of the Bummis Super Whisper Wraps when they were little. I swear I couldn't kill those things if I tried.

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I rarely used wool covers with my first, but with my second, I had started knitting (and soakers are super fast and really fun to knit) and my DD has such chubby little thighs that being able to customize was useful, so I do use wool with her, although not all the time.


I've had very good luck with the wool. Unless I let her go really long between diaper changes, I don't notice the soakers getting damp. Usually DD just wears dresses (because we're lazy and it's easier) or we just use the wool soaker as shorts (especially in the summer--she doesn't need any more clothes on), so I don't know how they'd do under pants.


On a side note, I was initially worried that she'd be too warm in wool when the weather got warmer, but so far I haven't noticed any problems. If anything, she seems more comfortable in wool soakers than in her other covers when it's hot, maybe because they're less constricting and more breathable.

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I used wool soakers & "longies" with prefolds held with either tie nappies or snappis and never had an issue. In the summer, they'd just wear them with a tshirt, in winter they'd wear longies just with a shirt inside or with pants over them outside.


Added bonus: we had to upsize pants to accommodate cloth so when they potty trained they still had loads of pants & shorts for the next year(s).

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
Autocorrect gone mad
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