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Can anyone help me w/ pre-K & combining w/ 1st


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DD is 4 and although I didn't start anything formal with ds at that age she is wanting to do things, seems ready and it would help me to have her somewhat occupied.


I am thinking of doing for her:


I want to do a combo of:

Wee Folk Art pre-school



Serendipity: Along the Alphabet Path



Confessions of a Homeschool Mom: Letter of the Week



I like the Wee Folk art for it's crafts mostly and seasonal picture book suggestions. I like the Alphabet Path for the focus on religion(we are Catholic) that is on her level and the talk about flowers and fairies- she loves that stuff(I like some of her crafts but prefer mostly those on Wee Folk Art- like the option of picking and choosing though what I like best). I like the Letter of the Week as she loves doing worksheets and such and I don't want to have to pull it all together myself.


I also wanted to start MEP reception as we started that some and she seemed to like it. I am not certain on any phonics but thought we would start with just doing the letter of the week and then go from there.


For Science for ds I will be doing the Baltimore Curriculum project- Core Knowledge. She loves tagging along and I would like to steal a Nature Study idea once a week from either the Wee Folk or Serendipity as well- so I don't have to plan out and decide what to choose.


For Art I wanted to choose the picture study ideas from Serendipity that go along with that. Crafts- I would like to pick 1 or 2 a week from either one of the Wee Folk Art or Serendipity.


Religion we will read from the suggest Saint from Serendipity for both and then Bible reading- this is for both. Ds will also have Rel Ed as well.


So tentative schedule:


MEP Reception 1-3 x a week- depending on her reception- need to check out how many lessons there are- some sheets from Letter of the week on other days for shapes and colors(she loves coloring and drawing)


Alphabet- Meet Mrs. Applebee story(1x week), sheets from Letter of the Week


Lit- Compilation of suggestions from Wee Folk and Serendipity and whatever she finds at the library- story time daily- usually I pick geared to brother but want to make sure I have time geared towards her as well-she loves hearing stories- along w/




Reading-I See Sam- daily- not sure on level but should be somewhere in advanced readers by then


AAS-Level 1- Start time dependent on progress of reading/phonics


Writing-HWOT-daily- My Printing Book- 1st half/ Cursive 2nd half


WWE 1- Start time undecided at this point


FLL- Start time undecided


Math- daily-RS B-finishing first Half- C second half


History- SOTW 1- 2 x a week


Science-Baltimore Curriculum Project- 1-2x week


Literature-BCP suggestions, Good Books programs suggestions and whatever strikes our fancy


Religion- Faith and Life 1- 2 x a week


Things like AAS, WWE, and FLL will likely get added in the mid year along with switching our Math and writing.



craft- 1-2x a wk- Wee Folk Art or Serendipity


Nature- 1x a week Wee Folk Art or Serendipity


Religion- Saint Story (1x week)based on suggestion from Serendipity- Coloring Page for Saint, Bible story- daily


art- picture study- serendipity- 1 x week


Music- Making music praying twice 1 x week



Does that seem doable? I do plan on picking and choosing for the preschool w/ DD as I said. I think this will keep dd better entertained and also provides some fun things for ds to do as well. I figured out this year that I really need to have things planned out to be able to do them so I am trying to examine it hard and make the things I want to do as simple as possible.

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I'm about to combine pre-K with second grade myself. I would like to point out that having your daughter around while you're going through the phonogram cards in All About Spelling with your son probably won't hurt with those prereading skills. That's what I'm going to try, anyhow!

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I've just finished the year with my preschooler and first grader. My 4 year old wants to do everything big sister does. She joined us for Artistic Pursuits, FLL, and WWE1 (book allows copies for family use). I ordered the preschool HWOT book for her. We did Sonlight's P4/5 together. Technically my first grader is above the recommend range for this, but she has enjoyed it and this coming fall they will both be in the recommended range for Core A. I picked up some Dora workbooks at Target for her math and reading time.

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Morosophe- you should share your plans when you get them done. I didn't even think about the AAS. I am not really sure on the phonics and what she is ready for yet.


thanks for the thoughts abacus2- I hadn't thought about her listening in on FLL, although I had heard the younger ones liked the poems in it, but I don't have a physical copy yet. I really don't think she would be up to WWE though, she likes to write but not so much actual letters yet, although it might be fun for her to practice narrating, she loves being the center of attention.

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We will be combining Pre-K and 1st as well. We will do content subjects together (science, history, lit, Bible) and Language arts and math apart. Allowing ds to participate at will in the majority of the contents (Except daily read alouds) :) ds will be doing either Abeka phonics or OPGTR, "playing" math games, and HWOT.

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