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To go or not to go.... AFHE homeschool conference

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I will only have Saturday, since I get home from out of town Friday night. It's $55. Is it worth it for the expense, which will include paying for parking and probably $8 or so worth of gas? I've never been to a homeschool conference, but (hopefully) will have next year's curriculum decided long before the end of July, when our conference happens. I'll also have missed my ds1 for 6 days and won't see him until the previous evening briefly before bedtime. It would be interesting to drag ...ahem... bring dh along just to check it out, as well. What say the hive?

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Well....that's kind of a large expense for me justifying one day if most of the curricula has already been chosen. Although you could wait to order so that you save on shipping, and especially since AFHE puts on a great conference. We lived in AZ for 6 yrs and we always gained so much from that conference. They've always had great speakers and workshops.


ETA: My dh wasn't always looking forward to going, but he always ended up enjoying it. Might be fun with a group of girlfriends too. :)

Edited by cowgirl
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You can always purchase the sessions you were really interested in on audio after the conference. I went my first year of homeschooling and it was really energizing to be around so many like minded families. But I don't think I've missed out by not going since. Like you, I'm pretty set in what we're using right now.

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