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2 kids almost 5 years apart

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This isn't working out as peachy as I had hoped. 5 year old is way too used to being spoiled. She was my total baby until he was born. I am talking co-sleeping, hairsmelling, bouncing in my lap baby. The transition from baby to K is hard enough, then I had PPD. One in 1st grade while the other is starting the logic stage seems scary too.


Good experiences needed.:grouphug:

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My dd and ds are 6 years apart (she's 11 and he's 5). I have been homeschooling only 3 years, so he was 2 when we started. My experience so far has been very good. I only recently have been learning about classical education, so mine has been a more traditional approach. I plan on trying to bring them together next year for history and bible with a more classical approach.


When we started homeschooling, my ds soon realized that Mommy got to do "school" with his sister and that meant special time together, so he started asking to do school, too. I figured it wouldn't hurt. I thought since he was a boy, he would need hands on stuff, but it didn't interest him at all. I got a couple of early workbooks at the grocery, and he LOVED them. He still does. Because he wanted to start so early, he's doing great. He just turned 5 and is reading and doing 1st grade level math.


My dd had a long time of adjustment to her brother coming. I think homeschooling actually helped because she had been in school and he was a high maintenance baby. Homeschooling allowed me to have more time with her, which is what she needed.


Sometimes I wish they were closer, but the differences has its advantages. She can work independently on some things, which gives me one-on-one time with him.


Amy of GA

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They say "This too shall pass.."

I have two boys almost 6 years apart

Michael is 8 and Matthew is 2 years old (he'll be three in Nov.)


In the beginning it was difficult trying to adjust from parenting one child to two. I think going from one child to two is the hardest. We practice attachment parenting. Michael co-slept with us until age 6. It was always the three of us, so naturally it was a difficult adjustment for him. (He has Asperger's syndrome)


We tried to make the transition easier for Michael by designating special days and times he could have one on one time with one of us. Doing this helped. Even if you don't have the time to take your child out, set aside some time during the day or evening for her. Whether it's playing dolls or toys with her or reading books together.


It takes time to work out a schedule for homeschooling, but since my youngest entered the toddler stage, it has been easier. He sits in during our shared reading and Arts and Crafts. I give him crayons and markers to color with while my oldest works on Math and Handwriting.

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My older daughters will be 14 tomorrow, their brother will be 8 in a few weeks, and the youngest just turned three.


I've loved the age splits. My only regret is that the younger ones only have so many years of playing together. At first, she was too young and in a few years he'll be too old but at the moment they have a great time together.


My son didn't really enjoy his little sister until she was over two. After that she could play more, and she all but worships the ground he walks on now.


The older set is a different story. They're joined at the hip and weren't looking for an additional companion and he's... trying... on older sisters. They were good with him when he was little but I'm very glad I had the little one so he had someone to look up to him instead of a couple older sisters who just made him feel like a pesky bug. (They're great girls and very patient *usually*, but they like their space at this age and he's a bit of a pest.)


As for home schooling, it's a piece of cake with a split like that. I had the opportunity to get my older two going fairly well on independent work before I had to spend any amount of time schooling him. Now that I'm sitting down with him on most things, they are working almost completely on their own with my overseeing only.


Overall, I'd have to say I've had nothing but good experiences. The times where things went poorly did not last long and most of it has been great.

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They are very close to each other, and very affectionate.


When ds was a baby, dd and I did school during his naps. As he got older we had to get more creative to get through the toddler years. Sometimes we went to a toddler play area (our local park district had a play room you could access for $2) and let ds play while we schooled on the sidelines. Sometimes I bought ds a park district class and dd and I would school while he was in class. Sometimes I put him in the bathtub for an hour while dd and I schooled. We worked it out one way or the other. Often dd and I would school for 15-20 minutes, then have to take a break because ds was needing attention. Therefore some days were a series of 15-20 minute school bursts interspersed with play and care for the little guy. It was fine--the work got done one way or the other. As ds got older, his independence increased, and also his desire to also do school himself increased. I started giving him workbooks or crafts to do while dd did her work. By the time he was 4yo it was not nearly as difficult.


Hang in there! For this season you will have to be flexible and creative--and it will work just fine. It will get progressively easier and better.

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My first two are 4.5 years apart. I am so glad for those years spent with dd alone, and I like the fact that I got to "baby" each of my kids (#2 & 3 are almost exactly 3 years apart). Schooling hasn't been too much of an issue--starting with a k'er and having a younger one, too always makes things a little more difficult, no matter the age spread. But the younger one grows up seeing the older one "do school," and it just becomes part of life, so when it's time to work the younger ones in, they are often (not always!) eager. One of the biggest adjustments for me has been not the difference in their ages, but their learning styles. And it does get easier in so many ways--my dd is 12 now, to an age when I can trust her to care for her brothers while I make a quick run to the grocery, or to keep an eye on them while they ride their bikes in front of the house, etc. It's now that I really appreciate the large age spread! And when they are this far apart in age, the older one is quite independent school-wise while the younger one requires a lot of Mommy interaction. My sixth-grader does a good bit of work independently, my 1st grader needs me for everything, and that works well. When we add the kindergartener into the mix in the fall, that's when it will get really interesting!


Hang in there, and just have fun! When your baby is five, you'll be surprised to look back and remember how "grown up" you expected your oldest to be at the same age. My dd seemed so grown at 8, but now that my son is approaching 8, I can't believe the expectations I had of his sister at that age--he's still such a little kid!

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Thanks for the support ladies.


:rant: School takes us only 45-70 minutes and we barely fit it in with a toddler and I am just no good at housework and organization. The kids are fighting :boxing_smiley:with eachother all the time, Jake is teething, I am tired! We are behind in first grade work because of a new baby....I just needed something to prop me up!



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