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Has anyone ever sold or used Beauticontrol products?

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I posted about Mary Kay yesterday and saw a lot of negative feedback about selling for that company.


I wondered if there were any opinions out there for Beauticontrol products or from anyone that has had experience selling those products.


I would love to be able to help women find the right skincare and make-up products and saving them the frustration of standing in a cosmetics isle wondering which of the hundreds of products to pick and hoping they are not wasting their money on something that they have not even been able to try.


Any info on your experience with the products or selling them would be appreciated!!

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I started using BeautiControl in college and Loved the products. My mom was a consultant for a very long time - I tried it - did well when I worked it --but I wanted to pursue my career in College Adm. I used the products until a few years ago. If I recall there were some changes going on and it involved the founder/company something like that of Tupperware merging w/ the Heaths who owned BeautiControl. I quit using them bec they were making a lot of product changes and my mom wasn't a consultant anymore so I didn't know anyone to get my products from. I use Melaluca now and sometimes add in a few products from Lancome.

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I have quite a few friends who sell MK- they love it and make decent money. The products I have used have been great, and it really is no longer just old lady makeup. If you like the product, go for it. Don't go by the responses you get on a public forum- everyone has a different opinion and they are just that- opinions. I looked into joining with my friend, but I just don't have the time. The startup cost though is very low for what you get, and all the paperwork I read stated there was no minumum selling.

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I did! About 8-10 years ago. It was fun and I loved the products. In under 3 years I was a Sr. Director and earned that fun Mustang :) (which I immediately sold and remodeled our house because where in the world would I put 2 kids and the groceries??). I'm not a salesperson, not a recruiter...the stuff kind of does it's own thing. I did do makeup for weddings and such, and I mostly did the spa parties, which everyone loved.


I'm still a "consultant", but just for the product discount. I think I was in a place then were I needed to do something for myself and get out of the house, but I'm done with that now and I don't think I'd enjoy that part of it anymore.


But, I can say the company is pretty cool :).

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If you want to help women find the best products for their skin, I'd direct them to Paula Begoun. :)


If you want to sell a product, I think Beauticontrol is comparable to MK - some of the line is better, some worse, than others.


I don't believe selling for any of these companies is really "teaching" skin care. I suppose, it teaches one to follow a skin care regimen, which is good. However, the goal of the skin care class is to sell the regimen, right?


There's also Jafra, Arbonne, and likely a host of other companies that have the same marketing format as Beauticontrol and MK. You probably ought to look into as many as you can and pick the business model that will earn you the best return for the least amount of work. MK obviously has name recognition and their product is good, overall. The others might "pay" better, but be harder to sell. Their products are good, overall, as well.


I hope this isn't coming across as over-critical. I'm just thinking of my own experience selling cosmetics. If you're going to do it for fun and education for your daughter then it's a great way to learn how to manage a business! I wouldn't look to it as a means of changing women's lives, though. :)


Oh, and don't believe 'em if they say you can earn a good living working part time. As with any self-employment venture, you're going to work your tail off to make a profit. Guaranteed.

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Oh, and don't believe 'em if they say you can earn a good living working part time. As with any self-employment venture, you're going to work your tail off to make a profit. Guaranteed.



While you *can* make decent money working less than 40 hours/wk doing this, if you really want to make a decent living, it's going to take a few more hours than part time. It's not just the 1-2 hour meetings a couple times each week; it's the prep and the planning and the customer service that takes up most of the time. The big thing to remember is that you absolutely have to set a schedule for yourself or you'll find you're spending all your time doing it. If you've got a schedule down and you stick to it, and you find you like what you're doing, it's not so much like work :).


When I did it, I scheduled two things on Saturdays and spent a few hours a couple days a week prepping, unit meetings and the rest. I also dedicated 2-3 days a month doing stuff for local corporations like teaching relaxation or doing image seminars (those things are not taught by BC - those are just other avenues for you to take your business if you choose). I simply couldn't do it any other way. So, be careful how your recruiter talks to you - you must do things your way and not let her/him dictate things for you. There are good to great ones, then there are the serious, pushy, cut-throat ones. Choose a good one and your experience will likely be positive.

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